- From: Raphaël Troncy <Raphael.Troncy@cwi.nl>
- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 08:27:15 +0200
- To: MMSem-XG Public List <public-xg-mmsem@w3.org>
Dear MMSemers, Please find below the agenda for the Today Teleconference of the Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group. Sorry for this late notification after the summer break. It is expected that each participant of the various use cases report on their activity and their working plan. For the ones that are not yet tracked in one or more use cases, it is expected that they state their interest in an existing use case or propose a new one. >From now, ALL should have her/his web page (preferably in RDF) on the WIKI. If you have any access or technical problems for editing the pages, please report it to me and Jeff today and prior to the teleconference. In the same way, ALL use cases should be on the WIKI pages. Best regards. Raphaël ----------------------------------------- AGENDA Teleconference W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group 31 August 2006, 1600 UTC 0900 (West US) 1200 (East US) 1700 (London) 1800 (Amsterdam, Berlin) 1900 (Athens) Duration: 60 min Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 conference code 66736# ('MMSEM') IRC Chat: irc:irc.w3.org (port 6665), #mmsem Web-based IRC (member-only): http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc Chair: Jeff Z. Pan / Raphaël Troncy Scribe: tbd (pls volunteer) Please note that MMSEM XG telecons are for attendance by members and invited experts only. 1. ADMIN Roll call Regrets: Jacco van Ossenbruggen PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 20 July 2006 telecon: http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-mmsem-minutes.html PROPOSED next telecon 14 September 2006 2. LIAISON (SWBPD) ACTION: ALL give comments on the "Image annotation on the Semantic Web" Working Draft [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/10-mmsem-minutes.html#action07] ACTION: Yannis to report back to the group about the outcome of the MPEG7 liason attempts after a visit of ITI in Austria [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-mmsem-minutes.html#action01] 3. XG UPDATES ACTION: jeff and raphael to start discussion on email subject prefixes [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-mmsem-minutes.html#action13] DONE: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-mmsem/2006Aug/0000.html Use cases: This list is non exhaustive, and all participants can feel free to suggest more use cases or join an already existing one. ALL use cases *should* be added into the wiki as soon as possible! Interoperability Problems (4 use cases): 3.1 Music Use case: (Giovanni, Christian, Thierry) ACTION: Thierry to write up limitations of MPEG-7 description schemes [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/10-mmsem-minutes.html#action02] 3.2 Tagging Use case: (George, Susanne, Thomas) 3.3 News Use case: (Raphael, Thierry, IPTC) 3.4 Media Production Use case: (Vassilis) Knowledge Representation Problems (3 use cases): 3.5 Algorithm representation Use case: (Massimo, Patrizia, Ovidio) 3.6 Low level feature extraction Use case: (Ioannis, Vasileios) One or Two use cases ? Clarification ? Fusion ? 3.7 Biological Use Case: (Melli) 3.8 Other Use case ? 4. Future Metings: ACTION: Jeff, Raphael to contact Yannis for the practical SAMT details [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-mmsem-minutes.html#action12] 5. AOB -- Raphaël Troncy CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093 Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312 Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~troncy/
Received on Thursday, 31 August 2006 06:28:09 UTC