Re: Agenda - May 26 2011 - LLD XG telecon - 1000 EDT

Regrets from me, unfortunately I won't be able to make it, giving
a talk on linked data and libraries and such at

Two things that I would like to raise. To draw attention to the idea
of "implied datasets" that are a little bit like dark matter I think,
raised here, but motivated by an observation of the LLD sub-cloud:

And secondly, working with some collegues on aligning BibJSON
(basically JSON variant of BibTeX) with JSON-LD, would it be
reasonable to do this in the context of the reborn LLD community group
when this happens? If it is reasonable, is there any chance of getting
some of the basic infrastructure in place (like mercurial repository
and such) before we actually transition or would this just introduce
chaos into the whole process?

William Waites                <>        <>
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Received on Thursday, 26 May 2011 13:10:07 UTC