strategies for getting comments on the report

Hi everyone,

Emmanuelle and I have the following action:

ACTION: Antoine and Emmanuelle to talk about strategies for getting comments at next call [recorded in]

While I do agree with us trying to push this, I don't see why some preparation wouldn't happen in the open and with your help :-)

In fact the JISC report with the option for getting comments in, which I was mentioning on last Thursday's call, is at
It seems that it's open by a free system, which we could re-use:

Having put comments myself on that specific JISC document, I liked the principle a lot. However, I also thought that it encouraged a bit too much fine-grained commenting: I did not find it easy to send (or to follow) more elaborate forms of comments, that would touch on several points at a same time...
But probably we can play with the granularity of the "paragraphs" we want to enable comments on.



Received on Monday, 23 May 2011 22:18:28 UTC