Re: Charter extension

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Antoine Isaac <> wrote:
> 1. While we still believe we'll have readable report draft for the end of
> May, an extension would give us more comfort. It would also allow to better
> handle input from an wider circle of readers. The current discussions on the
> public-lld are quite encouraging in this respect, and there is the LOD-LAM
> activity and a couple of other groups, which could contribute. This could
> help us significantly tighten the report, for a reasonable amount of extra
> work.

+1 it seems really important to capture what's learned at this meeting
in the report.

> 2. There are several approaches on the table for continuing our work. W3C is
> suggesting Community groups [1], but there could be other options (the IFLA
> group comes to mind). The institutional scope may also vary: for instance,
> we may find that a true "LAM" approach is a better than a library-focused
> one. We feel the group needs a bit more time to discuss this together, via
> email or on calls. As a matter of fact Harry Halpin will present us the
> Community Groups only on May 12, and the LOD-LAM meeting is on June 2-3.

Yes, we haven't talked much about this at all. That's great that Harry
is going to present on this, and get the conversation started.


Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2011 13:33:59 UTC