Re: Charter extension

Because it becomes hard to keep peoples' attention during summer time  
(in particular, some entire continents seem to go missing for much of  
the month of August. :-)),  I think a shorter extension would be less  
frustrating. I also think that we should:

1) still insist on having a completed draft at the end of May, and  
consider making it available for public comments, which may be  
incorporated into the final version

2) become more assertive about assigning tasks to WG members in order  
to spread the work more broadly


Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:

> Dear all,
> We have mentioned the issue a couple of times in recent calls: we  
> are thinking of officially extend the life-time of our group.
> Our motivation is twofold:
> 1. While we still believe we'll have readable report draft for the  
> end of May, an extension would give us more comfort. It would also  
> allow to better handle input from an wider circle of readers. The  
> current discussions on the public-lld are quite encouraging in this  
> respect, and there is the LOD-LAM activity and a couple of other  
> groups, which could contribute. This could help us significantly  
> tighten the report, for a reasonable amount of extra work.
> 2. There are several approaches on the table for continuing our  
> work. W3C is suggesting Community groups [1], but there could be  
> other options (the IFLA group comes to mind). The institutional  
> scope may also vary: for instance, we may find that a true "LAM"  
> approach is a better than a library-focused one. We feel the group  
> needs a bit more time to discuss this together, via email or on  
> calls. As a matter of fact Harry Halpin will present us the  
> Community Groups only on May 12, and the LOD-LAM meeting is on June  
> 2-3.
> We thus propose to request a charter extension of one quarter, i.e.  
> continuing until the end of August. We believe this is largely  
> sufficient, even with summer hiccups.
> We hope many of you will be able to extend their working activity,  
> even considering this late notice. Note that if the report work goes  
> roughly according to schedule, most of the extra activity would be  
> reviewing and/or taking care of reviews, and discussing next steps.
> If you have objections, we'd be grateful if you could voice them  
> within the next days. The next call would be of course the perfect  
> time for discussing it.
> All the best,
> Antoine, Emmanuelle, Tom
> [1]

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2011 13:07:56 UTC