Re: suggested task: linking to commentary/reviews

I was thinking that we would paste links to the email messages, not  
the entire messages or comments, into the section that they comment on.


Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:

>> If people are willing to do the comments in the wiki (or don't mind  
>> them pasted there), that would work well. Shall we?
> You mean, allowing external comments into pages like  
> ?
> That could make them quickly unreadable. I have not looked at all  
> comments, but I know Ray's feedback alone would drastically impact  
> on the display of the concerned page.
>> I'm envisioning forking pages (git-style) as a useful way future  
>> groups might wish to do reviews.
> Well, we can still do it if we want (cf other discussion).
> Antoine
>> -Jodi
>> On 21 Jun 2011, at 19:15, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>> Ah, I was also thinking about that.
>>> But my preference would have been for a centralized version, by  
>>> adapting  
>>> (like, changing the last column into "reviewers and reviews").
>>> Antoine
>>>> I was thinking that exact thing, but hadn't gotten to it yet. I  
>>>> will do what I can with the comments from the Benefits section.
>>>> kc
>>>> Quoting Jodi Schneider<>:
>>>>> I'm having trouble keeping track of the various and useful  
>>>>> feedback we've been getting in early reviews. For the current  
>>>>> version, where we're receiving feedback via email, it would be  
>>>>> helpful to link feedback to the wiki page(s) being commented on.
>>>>> A natural way to do this would be to paste the email message URI  
>>>>> onto the wiki talk page.
>>>>> It could be done each email as received (but there aren't URIs  
>>>>> to the archive) or by going down the public-xg-lld and  
>>>>> public-lld archives.
>>>>> I'd be grateful if anybody has the time to take this on!
>>>>> -Jodi

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 14:14:44 UTC