Re: Brainstorming: Key Issues

There has been some really good content in this thread so far. I
really liked the point that Antoine and Jeff identified regarding what
pre-web libraries have traditionally called "surrogates" and the need
for such a notion on the web--in particular in the Linked Data space.
It is an extremely important point which will largely effect how well
library data will fit in with the Linked Data community, and the Web
in general.

I think this very specific point ripples out quite a bit, into how
vocabularies are used to describe library materials. Perhaps it is too
ambitious but I would like the final report to make recommendations
about what vocabularies are useful for making library linked data
available, and to identify places where new vocabulary is needed.

Kevin and Emmanuelle's point about needing to come up with a
compelling elevator pitch is also extremely important. I would like to
see some pretty clear language in the report describing a) why library
system developers might want to consider using Linked Data, and b) why
library professionals should make Linked Data support a requirement
when purchasing or developing systems.


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2011 15:25:44 UTC