Linked Data issues

As someone has mentioned, most of the issues we have are not specific to Library Linked Data, but rather are important for Linked Data in general.

A few of my top issues seem more relevant to libraries (and other orgs with lots of data) than other organizations:
* Handling legacy data
* Getting sufficient cataloger trust and buy-in -- which requires education on both sides
* Learning to rely on others (as Antoine says: "libraries should perhaps learn to rely on data produced by others and not try to produce every required data by themselves")
* Licensing legacy data: what can we open
* Economic issues around ongoing data production

Some are ways of ensuring that we *can* rely on others in robust and authoritative ways:
Trust & provenance -- to aggregate rich statements from everyone, yet filter to trusted authorities. 
** "Trusted authorites" need not be a direct list, but could also be "everyone X trusts", "everyone anyone in group G trusts" (and more generally "everyone trusted by more than x% of group G"), "everyone not on blacklist B", and combinations of these. 
** "Trust" will also need to take into account "proximity" to relevant information (by expertise, proximity to archival source material, etc)

Finally, I have to emphasize a universal issue -- which I think preservation-oriented orgs like libraries take more seriously than most:
Continued resolution of URIs (as Tom has expressed quite well)


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2011 12:50:56 UTC