
Hi, I'm Ray Denenberg, with the Library of Congress. 

I've been at LC since 1983. During the first five years here I worked on projects that led directly to the definition of the Z39.50 protocol (I was the principal author of Z39.50), and for the 10 years following I was responsible for its development and maintenance and also spent many years on the development of other protocols, for example the ISO ILL protocol and even had a hand in the early work of OAI. In 2000 I initiated the development of SRU/CQL (originally referred to as "Z39.50 Next Generation") and have been responsible for its development and maintenance, and I now chair the OASIS committee moving it to standardization. 

I was an original participant in the Dublin Core initiative, and though I haven't participated in that work for the past 10 years,  I have been directly involved in other metadata initiatives, having written the MODS, MADS, and PREMIS (2.0) schemas.  

Our office is involved in a project ot provide granularity to LCSH headings to enable identification of facets in subject headings and including name authorities in In conjunction, we are developing an RDF expression of MADS. 

I am the LC W3C Advisory Committee representative, and have been since we joined the W3C, in 1999.


Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 17:59:10 UTC