Re: Wiki page on Goals

On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 01:27:53PM -0500, Jeff Young wrote:
> > The problem with a hypothetical DatatypeProperty called creatorFoo
> > is that we wouldn't want to say that a literal string created
> > something.
> > Rather, the intention would be to say that the creator has a name,
> > and the name is represented by a literal string.  In other words,
> > creatorFoo would need to be something like a "shortcut property":
> > "Resource has creator X, which has foaf:name Y".
> Specifying creatorFoo (e.g. creatorLabel) as rdfs:subPropertyOf
> rdfs:label (or skos:prefLabel) should make it clear this property is a
> label for the creator rather than the creator itself. This could be
> reinforced in the human documentation of the property. Here's the basic
> idea:
> ex:doc1 
> 	x-dcterms:creatorLabel "William Shakespeare" ;
> 	x-dcterms:creatorRef ex:shakespeare . # and/or

I am putting this on a list of issues for the DCMI Usage
Board to discuss!

> ex:shakespeare an x-dcterms:Agent ;
> 	rdfs:label "William Shakespeare" . # skos:prefLabel should be
> even better

Or foaf:name?

> You could recommend skos:inScheme on the ex:shakespeare resource to
> indicate "authority control". This suggests it might be tempting to use
> skos:Concept as the range for all ObjectProperties to minimize the
> ontological commitment. This would allow others to use foaf:focus to
> model reality as they see fit.

Or one could remain silent on the range and allow skos:Concept
(harmlessly) to be inferred from the use of foaf:focus.

Thanks for the suggestion!  I'd be interested to hear if others
on this list would also find such a property to be useful.


Thomas Baker <>

Received on Saturday, 4 December 2010 21:13:21 UTC