Re: Possible use case

Hi Karen, Bernard,

This is a very interesting case I think.
Re. the availability of DDC subject as URIs, would it be worth pointing at the It's far from complete, but the use case could be the opportunity to call for more of it :-) . Or to point potential issues there, if there are any.



> Quoting Bernard Vatant <>:
>> Hi Karen
>> +1 for this.
> OK, I'll try writing it up in the template.
>> It's OK although direct URIs for DDC entities would be simpler (things we
>> could consider in the use case)
> Yes, and that's an example of a vocabulary that does not yet have URIs
> assigned. So it shows how we can go forward even though different parts
> of the library community are at different stages of development.
>> OTOH at's_comet I don't see any
>> indication of an RDF description, but in records such as
>> the subject "Halley's
>> comet" is
>> plain text value of dc:subject.
> The subject "entities" in OL are not very interesting in themselves --
> each one is just a single literal string. There isn't a structure like
> LCSH with alt labels or other information about the subject. At some
> point in the future these may become richer entities, at which point rdf
> would be more useful. Meanwhile, I could create an rdf output with
> dc:subject just so there is a representation.
> kc
>> Those examples point at central issues re. names vs URIs vs
>> identifiers and
>> definitely it seems a good use case I would gladly work on.
>> Bernard
>> 2010/8/12 Karen Coyle <>
>>> I have a possible use case but it may be too specific. I was thinking of
>>> writing up the actual effort being made to export Open Library
>>> entities in
>>> RDF. There are three entities: Work, Author, and Edition. They do not
>>> strictly follow library practice, which is what makes them
>>> interesting as
>>> cases, IMO.
>>> Here are some examples. Assume that the RDF in each case is only one
>>> possible solution:
>>> Author in UI:
>>> Author RDF:
>>> Work in UI:
>>> Work in RDF:
>>> Edition (Manifestation + Expression, more or less) in UI:
>>> Edition in RDF:
>>> Some of the issues that the case would raise are:
>>> There are many versions of FRBR - does it matter which one you use?
>>> We have frbr:Person, RDA:Person, foaf:Person, FRAD:Person.... again, how
>>> to decide?
>>> There are many elements in library data that do not yet have an
>>> identifier; how does one approach that?
>>> Or is this too specific for a use case?
>>> --
>>> Karen Coyle
>>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>> skype: kcoylenet
>> --
>> Bernard Vatant
>> Senior Consultant
>> Vocabulary & Data Engineering
>> Tel: +33 (0) 971 488 459
>> Mail:
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>> Mondeca
>> 3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
>> Web:
>> Blog:
>> ----------------------------------------------------

Received on Saturday, 14 August 2010 13:31:36 UTC