[minutes] 7 July 2011


The minutes from the last call are available at http://www.w3.org/2011/07/07-htmlspeech-minutes.html.

For convenience, a text version is embedded below.

Note that the majority of this call was actually a meeting of the Protocol Subgroup.

For good or ill, I took the minutes this time.

-- dan


              HTML Speech Incubator Group Teleconference

07 Jul 2011


      [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jul/0007.html

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2011/07/07-htmlspeech-irc


          Olli_Pettay, Dan_Burnett, Robert_Brown, Bjorn_Bringert,
          Dan_Druta, Charles_Hemphill, Debbie_Dahl, Glen_Shires,
          Patrick_Ehlen, Satish_Sampath, Michael_Johnston


          Dan Burnett



     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Protocol subgroup status update
     * [6]Summary of Action Items

Protocol subgroup status update

   Draft to review is in this email:

      [8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jul/0011.html

   Robert: About a week behind schedule
   ... Plan was to model on MRCP, send everything over websockets
   ... MRCP is ideal for IVR but not necessarily for HTML
   ... Continuous recognition also not really supported in MRCP
   ... So keeping methods and headers where they make sense, adjusting

   any questions?

   Robert: any questions?

   Group: [no]


   Bjorn: have consensus on mailing list on markup binding
   ... Satish, Olli and I have consensus
   ... okay to have recognition element but must be flexible in terms
   of UA policies
   ... UA are allowed to show permission prompt each time if they want

   Olli: UA must not start reco without getting some permission from

   Bjorn: no, must not start sending audio to remote service (might
   have been collected earlier)

   Olli: current API doesn't work for this

   Bjorn: might be allowable to have a whitelist

   Olli: agree

   Bjorn: doesn't necessarily have to prompt for permission, could get
   it some other way.

   Olli: as long as clicking on a page is not considered giving

   Bjorn: can relax restriction if recognizer is part of browser and
   audio is not sent anywhere

   Olli: yes, no permisssion needed if reco done on local device
   ... but needed for use of remote service

   Bjorn: summary is okay to have a recognition element, just clicking
   the element is not sufficient permission to start sending to remote
   service, some explicit permission is required

   Olli: this does'nt say anything about how we would bind to existing
   html elements

   Bjorn: is there disagreement?

   Olli: possibly, depending on which type
   ... still to discuss

   Bjorn: okay

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2011 11:26:09 UTC