Emotion Ontology

I sent an email to the list some time ago with the attached draft emotion
ontology. Ian suggested that it might be timely to resend this draft
ontology based on renewed interest in the subject of emotion ontologies.


This draft emotion ontology is written in the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
which is  an extension of  RDF - both W3C standards. This is a graphical
representation of the ontology that  depicts classes, properties of classes,
and the relationships between them.  Although OWL ontologies are usually
expressed in XML syntax, the graphical version is intended to make the
classes, properties and relationships easier to visualize; however, the
semantics of the ontology are exactly the same  regardless of the
representation style.


The draft ontology attempts to relate emotions to persons by first defining
the concept of a person and then associating emotions to a generic person.
It also includes the beginning of concepts  of belief, standards, goals  and
preferences, which may, or may not, ultimately be relevant to the overall
concept of emotions. Of course, there is no universal standard, or
agreement, on the terms or definitions of these emotion-related concepts.
The draft ontology is a preliminary attempt to express some of the popular
emotion-related concepts based on cursory research of information on the
subject gleaned from the web.  I would very much like to evolve this
ontology to more accurately reflect the opinions of experts in the field,
and this group seems like an excellent starting place. The ontology is
public domain and  can be used  as anyone sees fit. Your  questions,
comments and/or suggestions would be  most welcome. 


John Flynn

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2008 15:40:06 UTC