[EMOXG] Minutes for phone meeting on 23 April 2007

Hi all
Please find the minutes of our phone meeting here


Text Version:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

             Phone meeting of the Emotion Incubator Group
                             23 April 2007


      [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2007Apr/0003.html

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/23-emotion-irc


   Present Marc Schroeder, Rob_Clark, Paolo Baggia, Enrico Zovato,
          Felix_Burkhardt, Catherine Pelachaut, Kostas Karpouzis,
          Jianhua Tao.

          Hannes_Pirker, Christian_Peter, Myriam_Lamolle

          Marc Schröder

          Felix Burkhardt


     * [4]Topics
     * [5]Review the minutes of previous meeting
     * [6]Future of the Emotion Incubator group
     * [7]Publications
     * [8]Date of next meeting
     * [9]Summary of Action Items

Review the minutes of previous meeting

   <marc> ACTION: Marc to restructure (again) the consolidated use case
   requirements as agreed, by 13 April: consolidated use case
   requirements document is here:

     [10] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/emotion/wiki/UseCasesRequirements

   <marc>ACTION: Marc to collect all slides and upload them in the
   restricted space of the emoxg group: I have also uploaded the slides
   from the f2f, Interesting bit of work on content

   <marc> ACTION: Jean-Claude, Christian and Jianhua to add links to
   example for each point in the requirements document: link to a use
   case example where this feature is required, by 27 April

   <marc> Jianhua, you intend to link to websites?

   <marc> I thought the link was going to be mentioning the number of
   the use case where the requirements are needed, both kinds of links
   are very welcome

   <Jianhua> I will put some links to the website, which contains some
   application of user case 3

   <marc> ACTION: volunteers to discuss existing ML in view of our
   requirements document by 4 June

   <Jianhua> some description will also be made.

   <marc> I think there was a list in the mintues of the f2f

   <kkarpou> the minutes are at:
   , Enrico volunteers for EMMA and SSML, Hannes volunteers for SMIL,
   Björn volunteers for the HUMAINE EARL, ??? for the HUMAINE Database
   annotation scheme, ??? for IMDI, ??? for InkML

     [11] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/emotion/minutes-2007-03-26.html

   <marc>ACTION: Felix to formulate a number of examples for some types
   of emotion markup before the next phone meeting

   <marc> this will be postponed until the next phone meeting

   <marc> ACTION: Hannes to ask Tanja to point us to a short list of
   the most important emotion theories and associated emotion
   descriptions that we should definitely cover in view of a
   technological context. Tanja Bänziger will be able to join the
   Paris meeting. She suggests we have a good justification for our
   choice of emotion descriptions, no need to be complete.

Future of the Emotion Incubator group

   Paolo: three options:
   ... first if group wants to continue as an own WG, second: to
   continue as part of aonother group and include the charter, might be
   the MMI group.
   Paolo Baggia contacted W3C lead Kazuyuki Ashimura and the Chair of
   the MMI WG Deborah Dahl ... the chair is happy to think about that
   but needs a call with Marc, third option: no further activity

   marc: 4th option: recharter as new incubator group whish has
   slightly different charter

   <marc> I have phoned Steve Bratt on Friday: 4th option: continue for
   one year as new incubator group.
   My feeling is that the 4th option is most promising; it would give
   us time to become more concrete before seeking strong industry

   Paolo: important for decision: what outcome do we want for industry?

   marc: outcome of second year would be draft spec.
   ... a way to make it conrete and less abstract

   Felix: thinks continue as incubator grou makes sense cause topic is
   quite innovative but would like to phone Marc with MMI chair in
   parallel to consider option to be subgroup of MMI

   <marc> Can people report on attempts to contact industrial W3C

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric: who from industry to contact?

   marc: contact people on informal basis is most promising
   ... to get impression who is actually prrpared to work on the topic.

   Jianhua: can ask tomorrow in SSML meeting
   ... there re many paople from industry and spread the word.
   ... will mention that states of discussion is how to continue work.

   <marc> I looked at MMI charter and it would fit to add Emotion ML
   from my point of view

   <Jianhua> this is also a good way

   <marc> ... it would need a modification of the MMI Charter

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric: can organize meeting between marc and MMI chair

   marc: has time second half of may

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric: think to take more time for another year is good

   Rob Clark: 4th option good idea also to share ideas with other
   ... we just delay the other options for a year.

   cpelacha: good idea to have more time to make suggestions to

   kkarpou: thinks at the moment we're closer to research and another
   year would halp clarification.

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric: thinks a questionnaire would be good about that

   <marc> So everyone here seems to agree that the fourth option is
   promising; let's see what the rest of the group thinks about it.

   <scribe> ACTION: marc to set up questionnaire on how to proceed the
   work (4 options) by tomorrow recorded in [12]action01]

   <Jianhua> great!

   <scribe> ACTION: Paolo_BaggiaEnric and marc to set up phone meeting
   with MMI Chair in the early moring by second half of may [recorded
   in [13]action02]

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric: MMI chair wil also invite marc to meeting in June
   in Treviso.


   <marc> There was a paper submitted to ACII
   In the pipeline: a section for the HUMAINE Handbook: orinigal idea
   was to report on EARL but now it's be better to write on EmotionXG
   work, the "real" deadline: end of Maya finished version is than
   needed than.

   <marc> Who wants to be a co-author?

   <Jianhua> I would like to contribute

   FelixYes, me ,too.

   marc and Hannes and Myriam Lamolle already are authors, discussion
   continues offline.

Date of next meeting

   <marc> only option I see for a phone meeting before the f2f is 21

   <Jianhua> it's ok for me

   <kkarpou> date is OK with me

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric date ok.

   cpelacha: date ok, time as today

   <marc> any constraints about the time? so same time as todaY?

   <Jianhua> wonderful

   next meeting 21st may 11 UTC

   <marc> How about hte f2f? Who would be able to come? 7 June, Paris

   <marc> Catherine: Jean-Claude will be there

   <kkarpou> I will have to check with the dates of the plenary

   <Felix> I have to be in Berlin on the 7th at 4 pm ;-(

   marc: if not enough people are there the f2f might be held at the
   ACI conference in Lisbon in sep.

   Paolo_BaggiaEnric: have to check but probably can come to Paris.

   <scribe> ACTION: marc to set up second questionnaire whether people
   come to Paris f2f by tomorrow recorded in [14]action03]

   marc hopefully more discussion on content on the next phone meeting

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: marc to set up questionnaire on how to proceed the
   work (4 options) by tomorrow recorded in [15]action01]
   [NEW] ACTION: marc to set up second questionnaire whether people
   come to Paris f2f by tomorrow recorded in [16]action03]
   [NEW] ACTION: Paolo_BaggiaEnric and marc to set up phone meeting
   with MMI Chair in the early moring by second half of may [recorded
   in [17]action02]

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [18]scribe.perl version 1.128
    ([19]CVS log)
    $Date: 2007/04/24 07:43:05 $

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Felix Burkhardt

T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH
Project & Design, Business Unit Telco
Line of Business Products & Services

PU4, Innovative Communication 
Services&Access Solutions
Goslarer Ufer 35, 10589 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 3497 2218
Telefax: +49 30 3497 2991
mobil: 0151 16710189
E-Mail: felix.burkhardt@t-systems.com
Internet: <http://www.t-systems.com>  

T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH
Aufsichtsrat: René Obermann (Vorsitzender)
Executive Committee: Lothar Pauly (Vorsitzender)*, Helmut Binder, Albert Henn, Olaf Heyden*, Katrin Horstmann, Ulrich Kemp, Axel Knobe*,
Wilfried Peters*, Dr. Herbert Schaaff*, Zvezdana Seeger*
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 55933
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE87523644
*Geschäftsführer gem. § 35 GmbHG 

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 08:40:08 UTC