[EMOXG] Introductions

Dear all, let me allow to follow Marc's example.

Name: Felix Burkhardt
Affiliation: T-Systems, Germany, http://t-systems.com
Homepage: http://felix.syntheticspeech.de
Short self-description:
I did my ph.d at Technical University Berlin on emotional speech synthesis based on a rule based formant-driven approach [1].
Since 2000 with T-Systems we work e.g. on anger detection for voice-portals [2].
We're interested (and have experience) in emotional markup first off regarding this work: training a classifier with anger-annotated user turns.
I work also in HUMAINE, beneath other things doing experiments with my open source emotion TTS emofilt [3].

[1] http://emosyn.syntheticspeech.de/
[2] http://felix.syntheticspeech.de/publications/emotionAwareVoicePortals.pdf
[3] http://emofilt.sourceforge.net/

Dr.phil. Felix Burkhardt
T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH
Business Unit Technologiezentrum - Standort Berlin
Felix Burkhardt
Experte F&E
Goslarer Ufer 35, 10589 Berlin
Tel. 	+49 30 -3497 2218
Mobile: +49 151 16710189
Fax 	+49 521 -92100512
E-Mail: 	Felix.Burkhardt@t-systems.com
Internet: <http://www.t-systems.com>

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 13:58:27 UTC