- From: <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 21:30:28 +0000
- To: public-xg-eiif <public-xg-eiif@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <c09b00eb0903271430v1cbbc370lc6f4f082f9fa74f5@mail.gmail.com>
So, today I started entering the terms used in our framework in Knoodl, http://www.knoodl.com/ui/groups/Emergency_Management/vocab/EIIF_Glossary/entry/ It's still a very rough exercise and sketchy, cause some info is still not clear (to me at least) or missing altogether In addition to the learning curve of understanding where all the knoodl buttons are and what to do (it's suppoed to be easy but there are things I cannot do yet, will need help asap!) a few things are not yet clear that need to be defined further before we can proceed, see the enclosed draft document we need to define what is a property, a class, a subclass and, instance, relations etc these choices can be changed later at any time, so we can discuss-rediscuss at leisure what would work best for everybody in the meantime, but in the meantime this exercise could help us to clarify at least in part what the current documetn and corresponding diagram represent would be helpful also some terms are still a bit obscure, such as 'interval' in location I attach my working notes, which would benefit from input from the group, I will not be able to look at this again for another few days please provide feedback before our final deadline, and I ll enter the resources as specified by this group btw, today I got a set of terms from FEMA, that would be nice to map to our framework at some point anyone wanted to play around with KNoodl, just join the community and you ll be in in no time thanks in advance have a nice weekend all! cheers PDM
- application/msword attachment: EIIF_Vocab_on_KNoodl.doc
Received on Friday, 27 March 2009 21:31:10 UTC