- From: Mike Lang Jr. <mikelangjr@revelytix.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:03:13 -0400
- To: public-xg-eiif@w3.org
- Cc: Louiqa Raschid <louiqa@umiacs.umd.edu>
- Message-ID: <59c1f5620904130703g410ff5afvcba07a4c380e21fa@mail.gmail.com>
Hi all, I am planning a VoCamp <http://vocamp.org/wiki/Main_Page> in Washington, D.C. I am not sure how many members of this group are local to DC but, if some of you are, it could be a great opportunity for you to get together and discuss your ontology and also to network and meet other people in the area with an interest in semantics. The VoCamp is still in the planning stages and I am trying to gauge how many interested people there are in the area. If anyone is interested in attending or possibly helping to organize/plan a local VoCamp, please let me know. We are tentatively scheduling it for the end of May (30/31). If you've never heard of a VoCamp <http://vocamp.org/wiki/Main_Page>, it is "a series of informal events where people can spend some dedicated time creating lightweight vocabularies/ontologies for the Semantic Web/Web of Data." (from the VoCamp wiki <http://vocamp.org/wiki/Main_Page>) As an introduction, my name is Mike Lang, I work for a semantic technology company called Revelytix <http://www.Revelytix.com> (creators of Knoodl.com<http://www.knoodl.com>) which is headquartered in Hunt Valley, MD, about 15 minutes north of Baltimore city. I work as an ontologist for any projects we undertake. I am not currently working on any vocabularies of my own but am interested in meeting people around the area who are working on them and are interested in semantics in general. Thanks, Mike Lang Revelytix, Inc. phone: 410-584-0009 (office) 443-928-3782 (cell) skype: michael.allen.lang.jr aim: MikeJrRevelytix
Received on Monday, 13 April 2009 14:03:59 UTC