Yup, we certainly do need to include more partners in our group moving
forward to make this more effective. Gavin thanks for taking the initiative.
If we can get some form of letter of collaboration with the W3C group that
would the best.
What are the other groups we need to include in this. I think Nethope is
certainly one. Can someone reach out to them.
ISCRAM possibly as well and I probably can get a letter of support with the
help of Bartel.
Other ideas?
chamindra de silva
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Kristin Hoskin <kh@kestrel.co.nz> wrote:
> excellent thought!
> Kristin
> On 6/04/2009, at 16:50 , Gavin Treadgold wrote:
>> On 2009-04-03, at 1251, Renato Iannella wrote:
>> I think that the best "next step" is to propose a new W3C "Interest
>>> Group"... What would make this really compelling is if we can do this in
>>> conjunction with an existing EM-related body.
>> The IAEM might be a good one for that. There is an opportunity there that
>> I need a little time to work on, but I might be able to convert a current
>> planned Geospatial committee into an ICT for EM committee that would have a
>> good linkage into a proposed W3C IG.
>> Cheers Gav