- From: Kristin Hoskin <kh@kestrel.co.nz>
- Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:31:58 +1300
- To: public-xg-eiif <public-xg-eiif@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <61B67D00-42A6-4B6D-8B09-545E3AE036E4@kestrel.co.nz>
Hi All I just got the call for papers for a conference in November called Talking Risk, Taking Risk. I would like to put together an abstract for it on the EIIF development either as a research presentation or a poster. Research presentation papers will be submitted to the journal "Risk Management - An International Journal". I would like a consensus on whether people think this would be a good idea or not and also if anyone would like to contribute to developing the presentation/paper. The conference details are at http://www.confer.co.nz/risk2008/ I would be happy to deliver the presentation either on behalf of myself and others or in conjunction with another presenter but would want collaboration on the associated paper, submiting it to the Incubator Group for comment and contribution before providing it to the conference organisers. Although this group isn't dealing with risk communication in it's more usual form and isn't strictly research it is certainly related and I believe would attract considerable interest and possibly further contributors from both the conference and the potential journal publication. I think it would also be a good primer for forwarding to people to know what we are trying to achieve and we could post on the wiki to supplement the charter. The poster/presentation/paper would be pitched at an vaguely informed, intelligent layman audience. I believe that a starting outline for the paper/presentation would be structured something like: 1.1 The need for interoperability - lessons from experience (background/introduction) Real problems that highlight the need for information interoperability in emergencies (and Sahana) 1.2 "Talking" to each other - simple in theory, but in practice ... Explaining why sharing information isn't as easy as people might think - drawing on the variety of vocabs, taxonomies and symbols including an example. 2.0 EIIFIG - Building a Babel Fish (body) What the EIIFIG is doing, our place within wider activities, methodology and progress to date (PDOM), obstacles(?) 3.0 Silos to Community - Achieving an uncommon understanding (conclusion/summary) What we see EIIFG achieving in the near future and how we would like to see this work adopted. Summary of achievements since the project's inception and potential applications in the future. Thoughts? Comments? Feel free to say you think it is a naff idea but if you do please say why. Cheers Kristin
Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2008 23:32:43 UTC