- From: C H <craighubleyca@yahoo.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 12:06:32 -0800 (PST)
- To: paola.dimaio@gmail.com, public-xg-eiif <public-xg-eiif@w3.org>
- Cc: Don Cameron <donc@internode.on.net>
SUMMARY: The standards mentioned may be most usefully characterized in terms of their assumptions about the environment and actors they work within. This should start to flesh out the ontology assumed by their use. This XG-EIIF group's mandate provides as good a schema as for RELATING STANDARDS TO THE MANDATE (see * below). I suggest that loose characterization of the standards in a wiki, followed by a tighter more operational characterization in an RDF ontology, followed finally by a rigorous capital asset analysis approach suitable for making tradeoffs, would probably be helpful to all. I suggest we worry about the legal status of standards later, when the W3 effort can muster a bigger stick. For now give notice that each named standard is being consulted as a design precedent, and that it can have more or less influence depending on how much the owner wishes to grant permission. Most would be thrilled to brag how much influence they had over the W3 standard. The stick, the threat of obsoleting an installed base with a new standard that improves on it, may lever us permission to "interrogate" the existing intalled base freely. But that permission is a luxury as it is generally difficult to prevent copying of the user interface or vocabulary of any useful system. It should be clear that the W3 effort isn't going to stop cold because someone decides not to grant permission. To make this absolutely clear, any W3 project should state a common attitude to the PROFESSIONAL EM DOCTRINE, LEGAL STATUS OF STANDARDS, how far it may push against these towards UNIVERSAL INTEROPERAILITY AS A GOAL. Aside from W3's well known views on patents and licenses, the EM mandate itself provides some moral backing and likely suasion. Who wants to be accused of not talking freely enough in a crisis and thus costing lives? (If you consider this off topic, skip to *RELATING STANDARDS TO THE MANDATE) ----------------------------- PROFESSIONAL EM DOCTRINE Don explains the merits of the developed-world EM-as-a-government-product-sold-to-ther-governments approach. Don "can walk into any EOC during any disaster in Sydney, Bangkok, Tokyo, Colombo, Ottawa or pretty much anywhere else on earth knowing the language of the disaster will be the same; the ontology of dispatch, investigations, control, planning and resource management will be the same everywhere". This seems to serve developed nations well in small scale crises. It would be nice if this actually served everyone on Earth already. However, it doesn't, and because it doesn't, the philosophy of EM/crisis planning has in many places recently changed from a government-to-government relationship focus to one that emphasizes increasing the ordinary citizen's ability to work or contribute in a crisis. Open source software, more transparent planning open to citizens, roles of NGOs and community organizations such as religious groups, all represent a pressure to simplify the interfaces to EM systems so as to gain maximum citizen intelligence and contribution, as well as interoperability of the various levels of government or nonprofit institutions. Don asks "how do we incorporate all the practiced, recognised, accredited proprietary EM standards into this initiative? - Should we be approaching FEMA, EMA, JICA, CFA, MCDEM, IAAI etc. for permission to interrogate and use their EM standards, languages and systems?" Yes. As for who should make the approach, it should be whoever can make the case successfully to them that the vast numbers of victims of large-scale disasters like Katrina, the Kashmir earthquake, famine or war, cannot possibly be served by a government-to-government professional-accreditation approach. That W3 intends to enable interoperable and transparent and citizen-run processes in which governments act more as adjudicators, and that one implication of this is that governments should not be making piecemeal decisions regarding who is allowed to use what "standard" system. > > These, many other ISO's and adopted standards > (systems and languages > > accepted by EM orgs globally and incorporated into > local standards in the > > manner the language of ICS became componentry of > NIIMS and AIIMS) actually > > form the base of emergency management doctrine. Doctrine is fine. By all means document it. But then it's important to look at places or contexts that are, for whatever reason, not being served by the doctrine. (See LEGAL STATUS OF STANDARDS below) UNIVERSAL INTEROPERABILITY (the IETF vs. ISO approach) Universal interoperability can be achieved one of two ways at least: rigid standardization of interfaces, or, strict exclusion of systems that behave poorly or unpredictably. IETF and ISO use different means to interoperability: IETF runs Interop, ISO sanctions trade via national regulators. Each has its merits. --- paola.dimaio@gmail.com wrote: > 'Interoperability' is never achieved just by > following the 'one way approach'. Agreed. I'd go further and argue that if it isn't the primary goal of any standards effort, then, it will in the end be superceded by something that did in fact put interoperability first. That was the reason I mention IETF/Internet vs. ISO/OSI. Not to disregard ISO as a source of compiled knowledge or practice, but to argue that IETF process won the long term standards battle due to transparency and interoperability and a public domain licensing regime. Some W3 efforts get it right, too, but others get it entirely wrong. No one standards body has a perfect track record for real world implementation. IETF certainly produced a lot of RFCs, not all of which are in widespread use. Don seems to imply that some relevant ISO standards address the most sensitive and difficult interfaces, those being the human body/eye/ear. > > Eg: ISO 7731 describes the requirements for > auditory danger signals in a > > structural emergency. ISO 8201 describes the > internationally agreed signal > > that unequivocally means "evacuate immediately". I suggest that having such standards is a sign that at least some ISO efforts have got their priorities right. It's also nice that the ISO can enforce its standards: > >Elements of these standards > > are not open to interpretation; they are globally > accepted to the extent > > they impact on international trade (manufacturers > >of emergency alert systems > > cannot export or have imported any devices that > >fails to meet the ISO standard). So these are 1. de jure standard 2. implemented by many suppliers 3. a condition to meet the regulatory requirements of many countries, would not be totally defensible as a design choice. I suspect however there are exceptions, e.g. alarms that are designed to warn deaf people. In which case some other defensibility criteria would have to be used... I don't think anyone would try to interpret or work around standards where 1, 2, 3 all apply. Having a way of specifying design rationale where all three do not apply, however, or for exceptions, remains useful. A "notwithstanding clause" to deal with situations where interoperability must take precedence, e.g. if two standards are both being applied and contradict. LEGAL STATUS Of STANDARDS A significant minority, maybe a majority, in W3 would likely prefer to "interrogate and use [existing] EM standards, languages and systems" without seeking any permission at all. But I suspect this is unnecessary as few governments would stand against the goal above. Governments that vend systems to each other may become convinced that a share-alike approach would work just as well as their current mix of proprietary methods. It's worth a try. Sadly the PROFESSIONAL EM DOCTRINE restricts access to the underlying standards documents. Don is even concerned that this W3 standards effort > > may lack the resources to properly identify > > and where necessary seek and gain approval to use > > all these standards. Being of the "forgiveness not permission" camp, I'd point out that one can post to wikis or mailing lists from anonymous proxies via TOR, should some "standard" prove essential but inaccessible via "standard" means. P2P (bittorrent, eMule) contains many useful standards documents if one just needs to read them. Without commenting about the legality of this in any given country, I personally don't understand how any document that is supposed to provide a level playing field for trade or a basis for competition among vendors can be prevented from widespread or even universal distribution. Transparency is not optional. Are we supposed to take some individual expert's word that "I have seen the standard and yes this meets it?" That flies in the face of the mass peer review logic by which all standards are verified. Again I suggest IETF is right and that standards must be freely publishable. One purpose of a W3 working group might be to provide a freely publishable summary glossary/taxonomy/ontology that draws on all the restricted ISO standards but is not subject to their republication restrictions. One that the individual experts can then be invited to comment on, and that governments or vendors can be invited to sue over... Who would? Be bold, as the wiki trolls say. Horrible publicity is easy to arrange for anyone who might sue. It's also relatively easy to take any standards track document and rewrite it to be more readable and more operational. They are not produced by good writers, in general. Often, summaries or articles written by third parties provided a better overview than original documents, and a better guide to how to interoperate. If all else fails, someone intelligent can usually be found to claim that they derived the vocabulary or the interface from common usage without looking at any of the precious proprietary documents. It's not so hard especially if experts correct every term you get wrong. *RELATING STANDARDS TO THE MANDATE As Renato wishes the above issues to be more explicitly related to the deliverable goals of the group, maybe the right thing to do is ask a few difficult questions about each of the standards. "Reduction - the reduction of hazard impacts and community vulnerabilities to natural and human-made events." For each standard, what specific reduction of impacts is intended? For instance ISO 7731 is intended to reduce the risk of someone failing to understand that a structure is about to collapse on them. "Readiness - increasing the capacity and capability of communities to response to events including planning, training, exercising, warning systems and public education." For each standard, what education of the public would be required, if any? A database schema for exchange of medical or missing persons records is not likely to require public education since it's only invoked when dealing with officialdom. But ISO 8201 evacuation signals must be recognized even by children. "Response - response to an event focusing on immediate life safety and survivals needs (medical, food, water, and shelter)." How are these needs characterized by the standard? For instance, food can be measured in calories, grams of fat or protein or carbohydrate, or vitamin content, or more generally as a daily ration including some balance of these. Water likewise has a whole associated taxonomy of quality and likely hazard. "Recovery - the restoration of the impacted community to near or improved pre-event levels." What state of emergency is implied or recognized by the standard, if any? How does authority hand off to the EM systems or procedures, and how is it handed back after the crisis? In addition each standard has its own assumptions of how to characterize "hazard", "impacted communities and community infrastructure", "pre-event sharing of information", "warning systems", "disaster impact information", "logistics", "supporting networks of local services and groups". Even some fairly simple specification like ISO 8201 implies that there is a path and means of evacuation and some confidence on the part of evacuees that they'll find some shelter. THREE STEPS TO TRADEOFFS Seeking interoperability among the various standards documented might accordingly require: - producing a fairly comprehensive semi-structured database (say in a wiki) of all the relevant standards and how they view the underlying or pre-/post-crisis infrastructure, community, support systems and roles - producing a more exact taxonomy of how a crisis or event is characterized and what changes in authority or response systems are assumed within each standard, e.g. a quarantine process assumes certain such shifts of powers and civil rights - producing a very exact and rigorous ontology of the various capital assets (individual, social, instructional, financial, infastructural, natural) the above imply, so as to enable priorities and tradeoffs during a crisis, in pre- and post-crisis planning, and even arguments with national and international bodies regarding any need to change their cost-recovery model ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! 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Received on Sunday, 24 February 2008 20:06:47 UTC