All -

If you are thinking of engaging the IETF RFC process (standards track),
there is already a group that has been dealing with location elements for
a variety internet RFC's. The driving set of use cases have been emergency
services and the requirements for the US Next Generation 9-1-1 activity
and the wireless society. The same group also deals with privacy and
location. The working group is called GeoPRIV.

I can provide more info if required - I have been a member of this WG for
about 5 years.



> ----- "paola dimaio" <> wrote:
>> unless someone has objection on placing efforts towards some level of
>> compliance with IETF RFC's  (so far we have two people in favour)
>> and since you seem familiar with it, would you give us some input
>> on how to go about it?
> Well, there's a standard 'standards-track' procedure for actually creating
> an RFC standard, which can be found under Publication Process at
> Style Guide is probably also useful.
> But the most important issue is mindset: RFCs are commonly created by and
> for implementors: they're tight enough specs that a prospective
> implementor
> has a decent hope of sitting down the just the RFC, and turning out code
> that will work in the Real World.
> More is here:
> and it can be helpful to read a few RFCs, to get a feel for things.
> RFC 2822 specifies Internet email, RFC 1036 Usenet messages, RFCs 2045&6
> the MIME encapsulation format, etc...
> Exactly how this mindset would apply best to EIIFs work, I'm not yet
> entirely
> sure since, embarrassingly enough, I *still* haven't read the draft.
> Happily, I have a few hours free this afternoon.  :-)
> Cheers,
> -- jra
> --
> Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink
> Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC
> 2100
> Ashworth & Associates                     '87
> e24
> St Petersburg FL USA             +1 727 647
> 1274
>              Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
>              Those who count the vote decide everything.
>                -- (Josef Stalin)

Received on Sunday, 7 December 2008 19:34:41 UTC