Re: OSC on Web

2011/2/16 Jussi Kalliokoski <>:
> Hey!

Hello Jussi,

> Very interesting project indeed! I'm actually (inactively) working on a
> project called midinode, that is supposed to provide a node module that
> allows the creation of virtual midi devices and listening and sending events
> to those and existing devices. I think I see a usefulness increase if these
> two are combined.

For sure. Maybe a common node bridge to MIDI/OSC could emerge from
these two projects. I didn't found your midinode project, can you send
me the link?

> I actually already saw your screencast the other day, and meant to contact
> you, since I also have another solution that may be of interest to you:
> HTML5 Virtual MIDI Keyboard, that also has a java applet in it, allowing
> MIDI data to be received by the browser. This could also be handy with a
> node solution, if MIDI data were passed around, and could be converted to
> OSC data, etc.

I saw your virtual keyboard demo and it's so interesting. I don't like
to use Java applets so much and if we need to use some plugin, I think
we could develop browser extensions. Maybe we could receive MIDI
messages on node in the same way I did for OSC. And again your
midinode project seems to suit perfectly.

All the best.

Vilson Vieira

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Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:38:51 UTC