Re: Web Audio API Proposal

On Jun 21, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Chris Rogers wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> I'm not sure we can also get rid of the AudioGainNode and integrate the concept of gain directly into all AudioNodes.  This is because with the new model Jer is proposing we're connecting multiple outputs all to the same input, so we still need a way to access the individual gain amounts for each of the separate outputs.

Right, but if every node can control its output gain, then you just control it there, right? So if you route 3 AudioSourceNodes into one AudioNode (that you're using as a mixer) then you control the gain of each channel in the AudioSourceNodes, plus the master gain in the AudioNode. For such a common function as gain, it seems like this would simplify things. The default gain would be 0db which would short circuit the gain stage to avoid any overhead.


Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 22:27:37 UTC