Getting Started

Hi, Folks-

There has been a lot of interest in this Audio incubator, and we have 
quite a few participants already... and I know of other people who have 
intent to join, once things get rolling.

So... let's get things rolling.

I talked to Alistair (our chair, CCed on this email), and we decided 
that it would be good to have an initial teleconference, to find out 
what directions folks want to drive this group, and what outcomes we can 
expect in the near term.  To give folks a chance to get ready, we 
decided to hold the telcon the week of Monday, June 28... preferably on 
Monday itself, but if that doesn't work for anyone, they can feel free 
to chime in.  We also need to decide a time.  Al will be organizing this 

We expect that with the different interests people have in this broad 
topic, we will find that some people are interested in only one or two 
aspects of web audio, and this group is set up to allow those focused 
conversations to occur, as well as the serendipitous discovery of 
cross-topic threads (where you find something you didn't know you were 
interested in, or make new connections between different topics).

I've thrown together a short list of "task forces" [1] that might be 
part of this Audio XG... if anyone is interested in helping drive those 
conversations, or adding to the wiki, just say so.

I've also started collecting some use cases and requirements for an 
Audio API (one of the topics of interest) on the wiki [2], based on a 
list that Al put together.  Feel free to expand that, or add new use 
cases for other topics.

I look forward to seeing what this group does!


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 14:10:06 UTC