On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 6:16 AM, jacques lemordant <
jacques.lemordant@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> >Note that for this initial charter period, the proposed Audio WG would
> deliver only an audio API, not any of the other things that might also
> useful later, such as music markup.
> >Doug S.
> it's also my opinion that a javascript interface (WebSL) to openSL similar
> to the javascript interface (WebGL to openGL) will be very interesting.
> We will need it when going to an XML declarative approach (music markup)
> for interactive audio (useful for games among others things)
> jacques
Jacques, I believe that a markup representation in XML or JSON could easily
be implemented on top of my proposed API. JavaScript is very good at
parsing XML and JSON, and libraries can easily be written to handle a large
variety of use cases.