Ubiquity SMIL project [was Re: Minutes 2009-01-13]

Hello all,

I notice in the minutes a reference to creating a JavaScript SMIL

Can I just flag up that such a library already exists:


The library already includes many of the basic SMIL animation actions,
and it takes the same architectural approach as Ubiquity XForms in
that there is a thin layer on top of your chosen Ajax library.
(Currently the code is targeted at YUI and prototype.js.)

Unfortunately, I've just tried to run the main demo and discovered
that it is no longer working. I'll take a look at it tomorrow, and
with luck it won't take a lot to fix; the sample in question runs its
animations as a result of clicking on XForms triggers, which means
that it  loads the Ubiquity XForms library, so there is probably a
versioning issue, or something.

Anyway, if Jack is interested in putting his efforts into this
project, rather than starting something afresh, then that would be
very exciting.

Best regards,


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Steven Pemberton
<steven.pemberton@cwi.nl> wrote:
> http://www.w3.org/2009/01/13-backplane-minutes.html
> Best wishes,
> Steven

Mark Birbeck, webBackplane



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Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2009 20:59:31 UTC