Draft Tutorial

Hi gang,

This week I've been madly writing my tutorial for the Declarative  
Amsterdam conference (8-9 October).

Because it is a (partly) remote conference, the idea is that you run the  
tutorial on your own device.

I've got the draft up at


Unzip, and click on start-here.html

It's far more than can be taught in 2 hours, but I don't think that that  
is a problem. It's also intended as a self-teach tutorial.

What I still have to do is:
- add the two final missing exercises.
- possibly add a chapter on <dispatch/>
- test it on a victim or two.

If you have time to look at it, and see any mistakes or have any other  
comments, that would be great!



Received on Friday, 18 September 2020 08:37:05 UTC