On the Expressive Power of Declarative Constructs in Interactive Document Scripts

Dear XFormsUsers and Steven,

It may be inspiring:

So it is about "model"...? as "the word is used in so many different ways
in common parlance as well as in academia" (Patterson, Z.,  "Model", 2008:
discussing the word in relation with social science) ...?


Until the MarkupUK 2019 it is still said that the components of XForms are
the model and the human interface (Steven Pemberton, "Declarative


Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <gsenopu@gmail.com> menulis:

> Dear XForms Users & Steven,
> To share what may be inspiring (May we say what are below...?):
> Somewhere a city of networks, those networks of languages, ones learn on
> how to navigate it, how to work it out by such a strategic spatial
> planning: thus there is a multiplanar methodology...
> https://www.espacestemps.net/en/articles/strategic-navigation/
> Regard,
> Guntur Wiseno Putra
> Pada Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <gsenopu@gmail.com>
> menulis:
>> Dear XFormsUsers and Steven,
>> XForms, Networks of Languages, and Architecture...
>> As we are trying to say architecturally about "XForms" regarding
>> with"networks of languages":  may we imagine such buildings "Plan of Pope
>>  Sixtus V for Rome in Italy,1585", "Yi Yuan (Garden of Contentment) in
>> Suzhou, China, 19th century" and "Plan for Washington D.C., USA, 1792" with
>> their network configurations of the path (Ching, F.D.K, "Architecture:
>> Form, Space and Order", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007, pp. 276-277)...?
>> Regard,
>> Guntur Wiseno Putra
>> Pada Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019, Steven Pemberton <steven.pemberton@cwi.nl>
>> menulis:
>>> On Tue, 01 Oct 2019 17:32:50 +0200, Guntur Wiseno Putra <
>>> gsenopu@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear XForm Users and Steven,
>>> To share what may be inspiring:
>>> It is known that there are architectures of machines and systems
>>> regarding with computing technologies: does it sound fantastic if there is
>>> a language supporting those architectures...? --a language by which we may
>>> work out the architectures...? --thus we may build or renovate machines and
>>> systems using the language...?
>>> Of a reading, "architecture" consists elements "form", "space", and
>>> "order": does XForm language -- together with, if there are,  XSpace and
>>> XOrder-- embody part of such an architectural programme...? --or at least
>>> potentially...?
>>> In XForms, the form is provided by the model, the order by the content
>>> in the body, and the space by the CSS.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Steven
>>> Regard,
>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra
>>> Pada Selasa, 01 Oktober 2019, Steven Pemberton <steven.pemberton@cwi.nl>
>>> menulis:
>>>> It struck me that we should be making a collection of references to all
>>>> papers about XForms.
>>>> Please reply to this message with examples you know that should be
>>>> included. I will collect them all together.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Steven
>>>> On Tue, 01 Oct 2019 15:40:30 +0200, Steven Pemberton <
>>>> steven.pemberton@cwi.nl> wrote:
>>>> By John Boyer.
>>>>> Contains an XForms implementation of quicksort.
>>>>> It is difficult to generally compare the succinctness of declarative
>>>>> versus imperative programming as source code size varies. In
>>>>> imperative programs, basic operations have constant cost, but they
>>>>> tend to be more verbose than declarative programs, which increases
>>>>> the potential for defects. This paper presents a novel approach for a
>>>>> generalized comparison by transforming the problem into comparing
>>>>> executed code size of a benchmark imperative algorithm with
>>>>> a partially declarative variant of the same algorithm. This allows
>>>>> input size variation to substitute for source code size variation. For
>>>>> implementation, we use a multiparadigm language called XForms
>>>>> that contains both declarative XPath expressions and imperative
>>>>> script actions for interacting with XML data within web and office
>>>>> documents. A novel partially declarative variant of the quicksort is
>>>>> presented. Amortized analysis shows that onlyO(n) imperative actions
>>>>> are executed, so the expressive power of the declarative constructs is at
>>>>> least Ω(logn). In general, declarative constructs can
>>>>> have an order of magnitude expressive power advantage compared
>>>>> with only using basic imperative operations. The performance cost
>>>>> factor of the expressive power advantage was determined to be
>>>>> O(log2 n) based on a novel dynamic projection from the generalized
>>>>> tree structure of XML data to a height balanced binary tree.
>>>>> https://dl.acm.org/results.cfm?within=owners.owner%3DHOSTED&
>>>>> srt=_score&query=10.1145%2F3342558.3345397&Go.x=0&Go.y=0

Received on Monday, 14 October 2019 17:19:57 UTC