Re: Balisage XForms

The folks at Mulberry Tech deserve great credit both for keeping the Balisage conference going for so long as well as maintaining a record of the proceedings in journal format.  It is also good that they provide a Google site-specific query feature, from which it is possible to discover that StratML has been referenced in one of the papers while XForms is referenced 73 times.  The question is whether that's the best that can be done or whether the markup community might aim for something better.
For example, XQuery is referenced 571 times in the Balisage journal.  Could it be usefully applied to the content of the proceedings to enable more precise query/discovery?  XSD is referenced 308 times but is JATS the only schema tag set that might be usefully applied to the content? (AI is referenced 117 times.)
While it is good to know volumes 23 & 24 of the journal will be published this year, it would be nice to know what has been accomplished at each event -- beyond the publication of "papers".
The conference tagline is: "There is nothing so practical as a good theory."  Theoretically, practical improvement is always possible.  Practically speaking, the results will speak for themselves -- in our own, biased interpretations.  Theoretically speaking, however, the markup community could coalesce around better, more targeted means not only of sharing information but also achieving desired results and measuring progress.  Might that be practical?  XForms could play a key role.
From: Guntur Wiseno Putra <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue, May 21, 2019 2:41 am
Subject: Re: Balisage XForms

Dear All,
There is supposedly the library "Balisage Series on Markup Technologies"...

Regard,Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Senin, 20 Mei 2019, <> menulis:

The Balisage agenda is available as a performance plan in StratML Part 2 format at iso/part2/BS2019wStyle.xml
I used an XForm to convert it: Part2Form.xml
I'm exploring prospects for scheduling a virtual, goal-driven unconference for the proposals that didn't make the Balisage agenda.  https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Unconference 

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Pemberton <>
To: XForms <>
Sent: Mon, May 20, 2019 7:28 am
Subject: Balisage XForms

Three papers with XForms at Balisage this year: Program.html


Received on Tuesday, 21 May 2019 15:14:03 UTC