URI Functions

Hi gang,

Yesterday I received a mail from someone enquiring about the URI Functions.


  4.9.1 The location-uri() Function
  4.9.2 The location-param() Function
  4.9.3 The uri-scheme() Function
  4.9.4 The uri-scheme-specific-part() Function
  4.9.5 The uri-authority() Function
  4.9.6 The uri-user-info() Function
  4.9.7 The uri-host() Function
  4.9.8 The uri-port() Function
  4.9.9 The uri-path() Function
  4.9.10 The uri-query() Function
  4.9.11 The uri-fragment() Function
  4.9.12 The uri-param-names() Function
  4.9.13 The uri-param-values() Function

which are there to be able to extract parts out of a URI (maybe we should  
use IRI to make it clear that IRIs are covered as well).

While looking at them, it struck me that they were really un-XForms like.

Since we already have a parse() function,


that takes a string and returns a document node, is it not better to have  
a single parse-IRI() function, that takes a string and returns a document  
node representing the parsed version of the IRI?

I played around for a while, and came up with some alternatives:

A call like


could produce one of the following document nodes:

    <query><param name="id">42</param><param name="n1">v11</param></query>

    <query name="id">42</query>
    <query name="n1">v11</query>

    <host>example.org:8080</host>  or  <host port="8080">example.com</host>
    <query name="id">42</query>
    <query name="n1">v11</query>

 From the point of view of simplicity but sufficiency I think I prefer the  


Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2018 12:22:34 UTC