Re: XForms from XSDs?

I have personally seen software in use that does exactly this. I wouldn't  
know what more that we (as WG) would need to do to further enable it.  
There is a fairly direct mapping.

However, I realise that doesn't answer your need for help converting your  
XForm, and I fear the WG doesn't have the cycles to actually do the work.

I have seen such a process working. Cordys had a system that let you drag  
and drop an XSD, which would then create a first version of a form, that  
you could then WYSIWYG edit, moving and deleting controls. That was a  
proprietary system though.

Someone asked the same question on stackoverflow, and someone replied with  
a pointer to 3 systems, and a hint about a fourth, which might all be  

Hope this helps,

Best wishes,

On Wed, 31 May 2017 18:24:10 +0200, Owen Ambur <>  

> Dear Members of the XForms Users Community Group, I recently subscribed  
> and may not be capable of adding much value to your efforts in terms of  
> technical >expertise relating to the specification itself.  However, I  
> am a very active user of Joe Carmel’s XForms form for StratML Part 1:   
>>Part1Form.xml  (It conforms to the schema  
> for ISO 17469-1.) I use it almost every day to add to the StratML  
> collection, which now includes about 4,000 plans:   
> >
> The question I have for the group is whether there are any plans (or  
> current capabilities) to enable generation of XForms forms directly from  
> XSDs, as InfoPath >does.
> Although I have updated my InfoPath form for StratML Part 2 to conform  
> to the latest version of the schema for ANSI/AIIM 22:2017, Joe doesn’t  
> want to volunteer >the time and effort required to update his XForms  
> form for Part 2:  Nor have  
> I found anyone else willing and able to >do so.  So it would be nice if  
> I could do it myself.
> For anyone who might be interested in checking them out, some of the  
> prospective use cases for the StratML standard are outlined at  
>>iso/UC4SwStyle.xml and some of the types of  
> tools, apps, and services that will be required are listed at  
> Owen Ambur
> Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
> Co-Chair Emeritus, CoP
> Webmaster, FIRM
> Profile on LinkedIn | Personal Home Page

Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2017 13:34:32 UTC