Circular dependencies

"All computes that directly refer to an instance node are its dependants;  
excluded are references to the current node's value in calculate  
expressions (such an instance node does not take itself as a dependent).

A compute is computationally dependent on an instance node if there is a  
path of dependants leading from the instance node through zero or more  
other instance nodes to the compute.

A compute is part of a circular dependency if it is computationally  
dependent on itself.


If a compute is computationally dependent on an element in L and part of a  
circular dependency, then an xforms-compute-error event must be dispatched  
to the model element."

It looks like

 <bind ref="a" constraint=". != 13">

is a circular dependency according to these definitions.


Received on Monday, 21 November 2016 10:40:25 UTC