Re: Core Attribute Collections

On Thu, 01 Dec 2016 19:01:32 +0100, Erik Bruchez <>  

>>>>> I tend to agree, but why in Core and not in Binding?
>> Sorry, I meant: why in Common and not in Binding?
> Because they make sense on elements which do not accept a binding, like  
> `xf:action`.
Well OK, but wouldn't it better to make it more explicit where context and  
model are allowed, rather than allowing them everywhere?

At present

<model model="m">
    <instance model="j" context="..">

<send context=".."/>

and many other meaningless things are allowed syntactically, and so not  
checkable with validating parsers.

I would prefer for @model and @context to be in Binding, because they  
really are allowed anywhere a binding is allowed, and then specifically  
mention other non-binding places where they are allowed.


Received on Thursday, 1 December 2016 18:15:42 UTC