Re: New introduction to XForms 2.0

Hi Steven,

The preamble is looking good, thanks for the changes.
The one bullet point that is not like the others is "Structured, typed 
data is supported." It does not communicate the advantage(s) like the 
others do.
I could recommend something that accentuates submissions and the direct 
bindings of UI controls and model item properties, like this:

* Structured, typed data is supported. The hierarchical data structures 
that REST and web services produce and consume are directly consumed and 
produced by forms, preserving the data structure throughout an end-to-end 
solution. The form's controls and data model processing constructs bind 
directly to and operate directly on hierarchical data structures. Although 
XML is the principal format for this, other transmission formats like JSON 
and CSV are also supported.

Maybe some further word swizzling could connect "end-to-end solution" with 
the compatibility of forms, via REST services, with various NoSQL storage 
solutions, like MongoDB or CouchDB.

Either way, you may even then want to move this first.

Best regards,
John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
IBM Distinguished Engineer & IBM Master Inventor
@johnboyerphd |

From:   "Steven Pemberton" <>
To:     "" <>, "" 
<>, "Steven Pemberton" <>, 

Cc:     "Forms WG" <>
Date:   02/24/2014 08:07 AM
Subject:        Re: New introduction to XForms 2.0

Thanks to all who commented.

I have updated it at

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton

On Wed, 12 Feb 2014 17:34:45 +0100, Steven Pemberton 
<> wrote:

> Dear XForms users,
> I have rewritten the introduction to XForms for the XForms 2.0 spec and 
> would appreciate any comments you might have.
> I have tried to simplify it. Are there any features that don't get 
> mentioned that ought to be?
> Are there things mentioned that don't need to be?
> Thanks for any help.
> Steven Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 00:56:53 UTC