Re: ACTION-617: SOTD text about match to usecase note

> > Therefore, the Candidate Recommendation exit criteria for this 
> > specification @@.

> 2. I've thrown some text about the Candidate Rec exit criteria in 
> here.  I don't remember if we had text for these articulated anywhere, 
> hence the @@
> placeholder for the moment.  We'll need to agree on what precisely 
> these exit criteria should be.

We will produce a report on the compliance of (at least) the three 
participating browsers in the working group (Opera, Chrome, and FireFox). 
Each MUST (NOT) will have at least two complying implementations.
Each SHOULD (NOT) will have at least one complying implementation. 

Joe, did you want to do anything from a browser + plugin perspective? 
Anyone want do commit to (or suggest) anything else? 

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2009 12:44:47 UTC