ISSUE-177 (wsc-xit comment section 6.5 tls/ssl pt2): general comment section 6.5 tls/ssl pt2 (public comment) [wsc-xit]

ISSUE-177 (wsc-xit comment section 6.5 tls/ssl pt2): general comment section 6.5 tls/ssl pt2  (public comment) [wsc-xit]

Raised by: Bill Doyle
On product: wsc-xit

>From public comments
raised by: Al Gilman

General Comments

Again a segment of section 6.5 states:
Betty is planning a trip to a foreign country. Searching the web, she finds a widely recommended local travel agency. When she connects to their web site, her user agent does not recognize the certificate authority that issued the travel agency's SSL server certificate. What should the user agent display?
Reviewer's Comments: Once again, We suggest the word "present" or
"do" be used in the place of the word "display". Please note, we
would like to put forth this as an option and not as a requirement

Received on Monday, 14 January 2008 14:21:26 UTC