ISSUE-193 (MultiPageChrome): Make multiple web pages chrome section rfc 2119ed [wsc-xit]

ISSUE-193 (MultiPageChrome): Make multiple web pages chrome section rfc 2119ed [wsc-xit]

Raised by: Mary Ellen Zurko
On product: wsc-xit

"This requirement is scoped to a specific interaction: When multiple Web 
pages might be displayed, security critical chrome need not be present for 
those with which the user is not currently interacting. However, chrome 
used to communicate security context information that relates to the 
currently interacted Web page must always remain on the screen."
"This requirement is scoped to a specific interaction: When multiple Web 
pages might be displayed, security critical chrome MAY NOT be present for 
those with which the user is not currently interacting. However, chrome 
used to communicate security context information that relates to the 
currently interacted Web page MUST always remain on the screen.

Received on Friday, 25 April 2008 18:13:49 UTC