Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2008-04-02

Minutes from our meeting on 2008-04-02 were approved and are
available online here:

A text version is included below the .signature.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Web Security Context Working Group Teleconference
02 Apr 2008

   See also: [2]IRC log




   Luis, B


   Mary Ellen Zurko




   · [3]Topics

   1.      [4]approving minutes

   2.      [5]put out heartbeat of xit

   3.      [6]5.1.5 Self-signed Certificates and Untrusted Root

   4.      [7]5.4.1 TLS errors

   · [8]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot-ng> Date: 02 April 2008

   <tlr> ScribeNick: hal

   approving minutes

   <Mez> [9]

   resolution: minutes from March 26 approved

   put out heartbeat of xit


   <stephenF> go for it

   <tlr> RESOLUTION: to publish current state of wsc-xit as a working

   resolution: publish current draft of xit as a working draft to meet
   heartbeat requirement

   tlr: should be ready by next week

   5.1.5 Self-signed Certificates and Untrusted Root Certificates


   mez: any comments?
   ... <reads text>

   <stephenF> maybe s/UAs may offer pinning/UAs may support pinning/

   tlr: real behavior defined elsewhere in document

   stephenF: petnames are not mandatory, text should be consistent with

   <stephenF> tlr: where?

   <johnath> ifette:

   <ifette> +1 to johnath

   <tlr> stephen_F,

   tyler: time of pinning cert is also a good time to assign petname, text
   should say so
   ... why does it say only one site for pinned cert

   tlr: it means that certs are pinned for one site at a time

   <tlr> improved language welcome

   <johnath> stephenF: would text like "A pinned self-signed certificate
   SHOULD be considered sufficient identification to allow user agents to
   associate a Petname with the site, if supported."

   <stephenF> works for me

   <ifette> works for me

   <Zakim> stephenF, you wanted to suggest that we think about some text
   restricting SSC content a bit e.g. not for CN=www.*.com ?

   jonathan: site mismatch comes under SSL errors
   ... perhaps we need wording about wildcards

   tlr: in error part it covers primarily validated certs
   ... text about self signed does not deal with URL mismatch

   stephenF: will take action to determine wording

   mez: better to settle it on this call

   <Mez> "A pinned self-signed certificate SHOULD be considered sufficient
   identification to allow user agents to associate a Petname with the
   site, if supported."

   mez: that replaces current last line

   <ifette> im fine with it

   resolution: accept text with modification

   5.4.1 TLS errors


   <johnath> ACTION: asaldahan to update section 5.1.5. Replace last
   sentence with: "A pinned self-signed certificate SHOULD be considered
   sufficient identification to allow user agents to associate a Petname
   with the site, if supported." [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Sorry, couldn't find user - asaldahan

   <johnath> tlr: should that be "anil"?

   <tlr> yes

   <Zakim> stephenF, you wanted to ask why "SHOULD" there?

   <johnath> ACTION: anil to update section 5.1.5. Replace last sentence
   with: "A pinned self-signed certificate SHOULD be considered sufficient
   identification to allow user agents to associate a Petname with the
   site, if supported." [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-410 - Update section 5.1.5. Replace last
   sentence with: \"A pinned self-signed certificate SHOULD be considered
   sufficient identification to allow user agents to associate a Petname
   with the site, if supported.\" [on Anil Saldhana - due 2008-04-09].

   ifette: may get multiple errors in sequence
   ... perhaps that is why it is SHOULD
   ... API may not make multiple errors visible

   <stephenF> suggestion is: s/the most severe signalling level SHOULD be
   used/the most severe signalling level currently known MUST be used/

   <tlr> +1 to stephen's suggestion

   yngve: clarify "most severe level"
   ... what if a page includes content from different servers with
   different errors?
   ... what is behavior?

   <Mez> If multiple error conditions apply, the most severe signalling
   level currently known MUST be used, as defined in 6.4 Error handling
   and signalling.

   <Zakim> ifette, you wanted to answer yngve

   ifette: if there is an untrustworthy cert don't want to prompt twice
   ... if they agree once that should be sufficient

   jonathan: seems like implementation detail

   <stephenF> +1 to that change

   resolution: apply proposed change

   <tlr> ACTION: anil to apply change about multiple error conditions
   [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-411 - Apply change about multiple error
   conditions [on Anil Saldhana - due 2008-04-09].

   <Mez> The requirements in this section do not require user agents to
   store information about past interactions longer than they otherwise
   would. Historical TLS information stored for the purposes of evaluating
   security relevant changes of behavior MAY be expunged from the user
   agent on the same schedule as other browsing history information.
   Historical TLS information MUST NOT be expunged prior to other browsing
   history information. For purposes of this requirement, browsi

   ifette: have problem with storing history of info from every SSL host

   mez: addresses your issue
   ... text later in section addresses your concern

   ifette: may require you to fire off a lot of queries

   tlr: question is whether it hurts perf more than regular SSL processing

   <Zakim> stephenF, you wanted to ask where's the bit about pinning only
   after a "while" or is that gone?

   yngve: database of that type could take a lot of space

   stephenF: if I pin self signed cert, does that mean somebody can easily
   get me to pin a new cert
   ... for the same site

   <stephenF> editorial suggestion: maybe switch the order of 1st two

   <tlr> +1

   <stephenF> yep, the more like pseudo code the better

   <bill-d> + 1

   <tlr> -1 to "the more like pseudo code the better"

   <ifette> +1 to pseudocode good

   also number the bullets

   <ifette> pseudocode less ambiguous, and easier to test

   <Zakim> stephenF, you wanted to ask a thing

   resolution: make indicated changes

   <tlr> ACTION: anil to number bulleted list in 5.4.1, and while doing
   so, swap first two bullets. [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-412 - Number bulleted list in 5.4.1, and
   while doing so, swap first two bullets. [on Anil Saldhana - due

   stephenF: add warning that this could allow spoofing

   <stephenF> maybe add this: "Note that this newly pinned certificate
   could be the basis for a spoofing attack, or it could represent a
   refresh of an SSC"

   stephenF: insert after new second bullet

   <tlr> I'd actually like to see this one in the security considerations

   <stephenF> agree

   <stephenF> agree (re-iterating)

   tlr: put it in both places

   <tlr> ACTION: anil to add stephenF's note re newly pinned certs to
   5.4.1 and re-iterate it in security considerations section [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-413 - Add stephenF's note re newly pinned
   certs to 5.4.1 and re-iterate it in security considerations section [on
   Anil Saldhana - due 2008-04-09].

   <Zakim> stephenF, you wanted to ask if "presented as trustworthy" is

   <Mez> When certificate information is presented in these interactions,
   human-readable information derived from the certificates (e.g., Common
   Name or Organization attributes) in question MUST NOT be presented as

   <stephenF> how about "MUST NOT be presented in the same way as identity
   information from an AAC"?

   <Mez> or not the same as identity information in general, as cited in
   the spec

   <stephenF> how about "MUST be presented as rubbish"?

   <Mez> hahahahaha

   tlr: don't want to present stuff that is unverified at all

   <Zakim> ifette, you wanted to offer suggestion

   ifette: why not say don't present the info?

   tlr: what about diagnostic purposes?

   <tlr> fine with me

   <stephenF> I like what Ian said

   <stephenF> "Don't display ASN.1"

   <tlr> you never want to do that. ;

   what about the pinning case?

   tlr: yes, nothing in the cert is verified if you don't trust the root
   ... you really want to know the site you are going to

   <tlr> FWIW, RFC 2818 is waffling around about URL checks. MUST check,
   but MAY not check.

   <stephenF> and 2818 has wildcard ambiguities I think

   ifettte: non match between URL and cert is a distinct error

   <ifette> Web user agents MUST NOT display information from a self
   signed or untrusted certificate in a warning or error message. Web user
   agents MAY display this information in a dialog or other secondary
   chrome reachable through the warning or error message or dialog.

   <tlr> +1

   <stephenF> maybe s/information/identity information/ (to allow e.g.
   saying "1024 rsa" or something)

   <stephenF> otherwise +1, and I could live without my suggested change

   <Mez> When certificate information is presented in these interactions,
   web user agents MUST NOT display information from a self signed or
   untrusted certificate in a warning or error message. Web user agents
   MAY display this information in a dialog or other secondary chrome
   reachable through the warning or error message or dialog.

   <johnath> heh - what tlr said

   <stephenF> +1 to q-

   <ifette> so in that case I still like my text as written, with
   stephen's modification

   <ifette> Web user agents MUST NOT display identity information from a
   self signed or untrusted certificate in a warning or error message. Web
   user agents MAY display this information in a dialog or other secondary
   chrome reachable through the warning or error message or dialog.

   <Mez> 04 01When certificate information is presented in these
   interactions, web user agents MUST NOT display identity information
   from a self signed or untrusted certificate in a warning or error
   message. Web user agents MAY display this information in a dialog or
   other secondary chrome reachable through the warning or error message
   or dialog.

   <stephenF> I think I like that paragraph with global scope

   <stephenF> fingerprint is derived-from, not part-of the cert

   <tlr> I think I'm leaning toward the global scope, moving it to the end
   of 5.4.1.

   <Zakim> ifette, you wanted to say i like it being more broad

   <stephenF> there's a use-case where the DNS changed but the SSC wasn't
   renewed, corner-case though I guess

   ifette: UA is not precluded from reporting other errors, i.e. cn/url

   johathan: trying to say you can skip full processing and pin cert
   ... prevented from dealing with minor errors

   <Mez> nowhere do we claim "cn" is identity

   <stephenF> x.509 does

   cn is found in Subject

   or ALt subject

   <ifette> i think the issue of offering to pin when the CN= doesn't
   match, I don't know if that's the same issue or a separate issue

   <Mez> When certificate information is presented in these interactions,
   web user agents MUST NOT display identity information from a self
   signed or untrusted certificate in a warning or error message. Web user
   agents MAY display this information in a dialog or other secondary
   chrome reachable through the warning or error message or dialog.

   <ifette> had fun at 24c3? :-)

   <johnath> yeah, I think I'm good with Mez's text too, the more I think
   about it

   <ifette> +1 to mez's text

   <tlr> that was at

   <stephenF> +1 as well


   <stephenF> you could click through to get that info with the above text

   <stephenF> abend ?

   <stephenF> FWIW I think this is good and important text, so maybe we
   should revisit it next time to get it right if necessary

   <Mez> I agree

   <Mez> and we will, it won't be dropped

   <Mez> one way or the other

   <johnath> gotta go!

   <Mez> ta

   <stephenF> +1 to PHB's point, let's be nice to cheapskates/the

   <stephenF> I'm sure I'll forget but I wanted to talk about "If
   certificate status checks are performed by a user agent, and a
   certificate is found to be outside its validity period, then the
   certificate MUST be considered revoked." next time

   <tlr> stephenF, please send mail about that

   <stephenF> bye so

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: anil to add stephenF's note re newly pinned certs to
   5.4.1 and re-iterate it in security considerations section [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: anil to apply change about multiple error conditions
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: anil to number bulleted list in 5.4.1, and while doing
   so, swap first two bullets. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: anil to update section 5.1.5. Replace last sentence with:
   "A pinned self-signed certificate SHOULD be considered sufficient
   identification to allow user agents to associate a Petname with the
   site, if supported." [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: asaldahan to update section 5.1.5. Replace last sentence
   with: "A pinned self-signed certificate SHOULD be considered sufficient
   identification to allow user agents to associate a Petname with the
   site, if supported." [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [26]scribe.perl version 1.133
    ([27]CVS log)
    $Date: 2008/04/17 09:43:52 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

   [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133�  of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51�

Check for newer version at [28]

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/manditory/mandatory/

Succeeded: s/error/level/

Found ScribeNick: hal

Inferring Scribes: hal

WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!

Possibly Present: Bill_Doyle HP Hal_Lockhart IPcaller Maritza_Johnson MaryEllen_
Zurko Mozilla P21 PHB ScribeNick Thomas aaaa aacc aadd aaee asaldahan asaldhan b
eltzner bill-d dans hal ifette ifettte johathan johnath joined jonathan jvkrey m
aritzaj mez stephenF tlr trackbot-ng tyler wsc yngve

You can indicate people for the Present list like this:

� �  � � � � � <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary

� � � � � � �  <dbooth> Present+ amy

Regrets: Luis B

WARNING: No meeting chair found!

You should specify the meeting chair like this:

<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 02 Apr 2008

Guessing minutes URL: [29]

People with action items: anil asaldahan

   [End of [30]scribe.perl diagnostic output]



Received on Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:46:05 UTC