WSC WG f2f November 2007 Agenda (v 1.0)

Web Security Context (WSC) WG Face-to-face #5 Agenda (v 1.0) 
2007-11-05 through 2007-11-06
Cambridge, MA, USA


Note all rooms are subject to change; check early and often where we are 

Phone number and IRC channel the same as usual, documented on WG 
administrative home page

Teleconference time and length information
8:30 - 18:00 both days, local time (US East Coast timezone)
Note, there's daylight savings time "gaps" between the US and other places 
this year. You can use the links off the teleconference schedule to check 
your local time

Monday, 2007-11-05 - Chair, Mary Ellen Zurko 

1. Administrative details (8:30) 15 minutes

1a. Selection of scribes

1b. Brief roll call 
WG participants, make sure you've already posted an introduction to 
yourself on our list 
This will be our first meeting with observers. I'll also be asking them to 
introduce themselves.

2. Agenda bashing (8:45) 15 minutes

3. Working Group baseline for success (9:00) 1 hour

We're a year into WSC WG, wsc-usecases is out for LC, wsc-threats is a 
Note, and wsc-xit is at FPWD. While wsc-usescases set up how we'll make 
decisions going forward, it does not explicitly call out what our 
fundamental baseline for success as a WG is, or what our "stretch goals" 
are. As we sort through and reach consensus on wsc-xit, we need that set 
of goals to refer to. We'll discuss and wikify them. 

4. Issues, Issues, Issues (10:00) Continuing 

We've got 'em. For each one that exists before the meeting, we'll spin off 
an action item for putting it to bed or making progress on it, clarify 
when the issue can be taken care of, or close it out within the meeting. 
If we get through all those, we can move on to any people put in during 
the meeting.

Break (30 minutes)
Breaks are sometime between 10:30 - 11:30 

5. More Issues (til lunch) 

Lunch (12:00 - 13:00) 1 hour
Must be between 12 - 14:00

6. Observers at "Enabling Read Access for Web Resources" with WAF (13:00 - 
WAF will be discussing this security related document. We're taking 
advantage of the parallelism that TPAC provides to (optionally) be 
observers for this session. If you wish to do more than observe, be sure 
to have read: 

Break (15:00) 30 minutes
Breaks are sometime between 15:00 - 16:00 

7. More Issues (til 17:45)

8. Day 1 wrap up (17:45) 15 minutes 
Is there a topic we should cover during the Core C14N session tomorrow 
morning instead of observing? 

Tuesday, 2007-11-06 - Chair, Mary Ellen Zurko 

1. WSC WG participants join XML Core session as Observers on C14N 
discussion (8:30 - 10) 1.5 hours
Approximately 1/3 of the f2f participants are also invited to this Core 
discussion as XML Security participants. The Core chairs have invited WSC 
WG members to come to this session as observers. 

2. Administrative details (10:00) 15 minutes

2a. Selection of scribes

2b. Brief roll call 
WG participants, make sure you've already posted an introduction to 
yourself on our list 
This will be our first meeting with observers. I'll also be asking them to 
introduce themselves.

3. Agenda bashing (10:15) 15 minutes

4. Next f2f (10:30) 15 minutes 
Schedule and place - what are our options?

Break (30 minutes)
Breaks are sometime between 10:30 - 11:30 

5. More Issues (11:15) 1 hour

Lunch (12:15 - 13:15) 1 hour
Must be between 12 - 14:00

Break (15:00) 30 minutes
Breaks are sometime between 15:00 - 16:00 

6. Joint meeting with the TAG on their passwords in the clear draft 
finding (15:30) 2 hours

7. F2F wrap up (17:30)30 minutes

Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2007 13:40:28 UTC