- From: Thomas Roessler <tlr@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:35:07 +0200
- To: WSC WG <public-wsc-wg@w3.org>
Minutes from our meeting on 2007-10-03 were approved and are available online here: /home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html A text version is included below the .signature. -- Thomas Roessler, W3C <tlr@w3.org> [1]W3C Web Security Context Working Group face-to-face 3 Oct 2007 See also: [2]IRC log, [3]Agenda Attendees Present Luis Barriga, Johnathan Nightingale, Tyler Close, Rachna Dhamija, Serge Egelman, Ian Fette, Mary Ellen Zurko, Phillip Hallam-Baker, Maritza Johnson, Yngve Pettersen, Hal Lockhart, Michael McCormick, Anil Saldhana, Thomas Roessler Regrets Bill Doyle, Tony Nadalin, Dan Schutzer Chair MEZ Scribe asaldhan, maritzaj, luis Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]ISSUE-83 2. [6]Page Security Score 3. [7]overview section of rec-track document 4. [8]Tracking motivation examples, text 5. [9]Short Name for rec track document 6. [10]Review of Open Issues 7. [11]ISSUE-96 8. [12]ISSUE-97 / ISSUE-102 9. [13]ISSUE-97 10. [14]ISSUE-98 11. [15]ISSUE-99 12. [16]ISSUE-103 13. [17]ISSUE-104 14. [18]ISSUE-105 15. [19]ISSUE-106 16. [20]ISSUE-107 17. [21]ISSUE-108 18. [22]Last Call for wsc-usecases __________________________________________________________________ Agenda bashing <ifette> ScribeNick: asaldhan mez: ACTION-307? ... great if we could decide on a short name ... take a look at rec track doc and see if we can make progress ... anything for agenda bashing ISSUE-83 <Mez> [23]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/83 <Mez> [24]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0012.html Mez: irc has links to the issue and the email I sent ... use case 2, we use the text tlr sent last night ... I did track down Ian's message ... could not find any issues raised by anyone <Mez> [25]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Sep/0009.html tyler: pointer to use cases we are considering Mez: in the link here ... usecase 1,2,3 tyler: people have sent new drafts of use cases? <tlr> anil, if you have a log of the last 5 minutes, this would be an excellent time to paste it into IRC <Mez> [26]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0011.html Mez: no new drafts. johnath: use case. drop text. preamble. Mez: only new text from thomas tyler: like thomas's proposal for use case 2 Mez: good job thomas. Anybody else with text for the new proposal johnath: your proposal to include use case 3? Mez: yes ... I declare consensus. ISSUE-83 is resolved RESOLUTION: ISSUE-83 closed. use-case 1 dropped; use-case 2 replaced by tlr's text, use-case 3 adopted Page Security Score -- ACTION-307 <Mez> [27]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/actions/307 Mez: newly bashed agenda item - ACTION-307 ... page security score <Mez> [28]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0013.html Mez: do not insist that we deal with it now ... link to the mail msg. Let us take few minutes at it and have discussion to raise any issues that may come up <MikeM> concur with language (except typo on last line) hal: which email messages <tlr> "it"? yngve: some may object to third section, formula not being available <Mez> concern about publishng formula - some believein security through obscurity Mez: yngve is concerned about 3rd section, formula unavailable hal: any good security system keeps some measures secret Mez: glad that yngve brought a good point for fpwd ... I am surprised with Mike that you surprised with the last one ... everyone wants to correct grammar in real time <MikeM> :) tlr: what does strictly comparable mean Mez: could not find mathematical term ... it is like a balance hal: it is like a partial order. luis: somebody mentioned that the formula is replaceable Mez: I have not picked any issue from yest. Do u want to draft a suggestion on irc? luis: not part of the user agent. <MikeM> "pluggable formula" Mez: someone wants to take an action on this or just leave the conversation where it is tyler: did we skip agenda bashing Mez: no tyler: there is a overview section of rec track document and I wannt to discuss it Mez: ACTION-307 ... if no one raises any issue ... couple of mins ifette: ??? ... user agent must make the formula directly available Mez: point of having a name was to dereference to the formula ifette: proprietary formula may not be shared Mez: what would be the resolution on this? ifette: user agent should identity the formula <ifette> ifette: My prefered language would be "The user agent MUST identify the algorithm used to calculate the score" PHB: there are many algorithms that no one understands Mez: how do u like this, phil? PHB: identified Mez: few more minutes <Mez> [29]http://www.bartleby.com/165/1.html <MikeM> "Agent MUST allow the user to choose an algorithm provider." tlr: one more question on the language ... documentation has it Mez: something new tyler: we are writing a requirement in the document that it is accessible tlr: requirement for a formula is quite weak ifette: formula can be swapped out and changeable means something in the agent should identify which is being used ... do not want to press F1 to find which formula I am using Mez: use amended line and reference to document MikeM: I am saying the same thing as ifette ifette: ??? johnath: I think my preference would be to use products that disclose. But I am not sure we need to mandate ... some people may prefer an algorithm that is widely discussed in research etc Mez: does anybody hate the idea of reducing it to identify the algorithm PHB: not necessarily they will reverse engineer the code hal: we are not prohibiting anybody. right? ... because they may want to keep the algorithm secret MikeM: I want to know who the provider here johnath: want to know who the browser is connecting to etc ... people are complaining about firefox dumping data to google etc as an example <MikeM> identify the algorithm and the provider yngve: some body will do packet sniffing. Advertising service in opera some years ago. First thing, people did was to packet sniff to see if opera was sending bad data Mez: not getting alternative proposal to the line ... consensus tlr: changes are "identify provider and algorithm" Mez: in place of the third section <Mez> [30]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#Overview overview section of rec-track document Mez: agenda item: section item from tyler ifette: the rec draft is present in the process document <Mez> [31]http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/process.html#first-wd ifette: question remains if the status goes into the document, what goes into overview <tlr> s/in place of overview/in the document/ Mez: people with suggestions for the overview can send asap Tracking motivation examples, text <Mez> [32]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0014.html Mez: concern as a chair is that it takes a lot of time to reply to comments ... expect more on rec track document than use cases ... will take us a lot of time to get through comments on rec track ... need volunteers ... number of areas in rec track document to identify text. ... email archives, wiki ... folks replying to comments can use these ... as we are getting closer to fpwd, wondering if it can be made easier ... I am tracking about motivation on important things tyler: we owe it to readers to collect and put it in the document ifette: I thought rec track document was a recommendation and not meta information tlr: explanation can be placed as long as things being specified do not get confused ... space present in the document to explain and make things better. I would not include all background such as email link Mez: I find it useful to add meta link as well tlr: part of it is use issue tracker for questions Mez: I would like a way to specify in the document tlr: natural for working draft but less natural for final document. Editor notes etc are fine to be added during the process tyler: we are different from other WG like we are doing R&D here. So we need to add more explanation johnath: agree with tyler. I also want to find out once FPWD is done, how often do we push rev ... if we get comments in 2-3 days, can we give a response at the earliest Mez: with the resources we have, it will be difficult tlr: our comments are publicly archived. So responses will be available. They have to search johnath: I know we cannot have a wiki, but would like a fluid way to do locate the responses for the responses. ... if we add motivation to every section, it will improve acceptance of the document <johnath> please hold - network issues locally johnath: want to add a trail to where the readers are coming from Mez: want to get to FPWD real soon ... displayed by my strong desire for timeliness via placing proposals on the wiki tyler: some support got on ???abc ... explanatory text can be placed in the document in place of the wiki Mez: I would prefer consistency ifette: depending on the volume on the explanatory text, it should be fine to put it in the document <tyler> tyler: there was some support for adding more explanatory text to the FPWD, perhaps as an appendix. I'm willing to do that work for PII editor, can I add explanatory text to the FPWD? Mez: 3 proposals to place text in the rec track document for fpwd ... with the need for rapid fpwd, I want a proposal that does not take more than 4 hours to execute tlr: first of all, some of the proposals have seen multiple changes before landing into the document ... some proposals have been broken into pieces before placing ... less time on the proposals will mean counter productive ... for some, it is obvious what to link. But for others, not obvious ... many proposals were just not dropped into the draft, but were worked on <Mez> tlr worried that putting in the pointers will cause some confusion since many have been clarified <Mez> mez acks; likes the tradeoffs anyway <Mez> before that, tlr doesn't like appendices for similiar reason <Mez> mez takes the bet to put in an hour and propose where the links to the proposals should be <Mez> someone should create her an action Mez: we are between proposal 1 and 2 tyler: should I move the PII editor text into the wiki? Mez: yes <johnath> ACTION: mez to provide a first pass of associating wiki links with the FPWD text [recorded in [33]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-312 - Provide a first pass of associating wiki links with the FPWD text [on Mary Ellen Zurko - due 2007-10-10]. tlr: waste of time to reformat into wiki. take the overview html, throw about the rest and place it as a separate html Mez: that takes care of the agenda item ... to the next agenda item Short Name for rec track document johnath: let us do wsc-recommendations <MikeM> Final Rec Document (FRD) phb: web security experience document <Mez> Web Security Experience, Indicators and Trust: Scope and Use Cases <Mez> is the note <Mez> wsc-usecases <Mez> wseit <johnath> Web Security Experience, Indicators and Trust abbreviates nicely to Web SEXIT <ifette> +1 <tlr> wsc-exit <Mez> WSXIT <Mez> wifse <Mez> web indictors [for] security experience <Mez> wsxit or wise <ifette> -q <ifette> -1 <ifette> +1 to @johnath <tlr> wsc-exit <tlr> wsc-xit johnath: like wsxit tlr: I would stay away from ws-* <Mez> experience indicators and trust <tlr> wsc-xit <ifette> WSC-XIT? <tlr> Web Security Context: Experience, Indicators, and Trust Mez: proposal from thomas here <ifette> to be abbreviated WSC-XIT, no? Mez: going once, going twice <ifette> not EIT... Mez: consensus <tlr> Xprinc <ifette> RESOLUTION: name for document is Web Security Context: Experience, Indicators, and Trust, to be abbreviated WSC-XIT Mez: after the break, want to take a look at the issues in the rec track document <tyler> tyler: Want it in the record, that I am frustrated that we all agreed for a template for the recommendation proposals and now we are not using any of the text created to that template, except for the "Conformance" section. In my opinion this change does not reflect the consensus opinion reached by the working group. <tlr> tyler, your change to the 19 Sep minutes is in the online version now. <Mez> [34]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/products/4 Mez: we will go over the issues in the document that editors feel that we will make progress on <tlr> [35]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/products/4 <Mez> [36]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html and search for Issue <Mez> two lists Mez: follow the above link to get the issues and search for "issue" in the rec track document <ifette> ScribeNick: maritzaj Review of Open Issues <Mez> [37]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/products/4 mez: and now the plan is to look through the issues on our rec track document to see if we can make progress on some ... if not, we'll move on ... when I put together the list of issues in the minutes, i skipped the ones that didn't seem addressable in our meeting, 96 is the first listed -- anyone think these issues are ones they'd like to address? ISSUE-96 ifette: looks like the people on 96 aren't here mez: note that none of these are stopping the FPWD ifette: all the emails seemed to be caused by whether or not the should/may is applied to primary or secondary mez: good point johnath: i had said may for both, but may in primary and should in secondary seems good ... right now it feels like there's nothing there except what might be there so maybe we shouldn't impose it on primary chrome but every browser has secondary info, which right now is a hex field, it'd be sensible to put a 'should' display for secondary ... may for primary phb: i second that ... in terms of getting browser support, get it in secondary chrome, first i want the phishing targets to get the logo into the cert, and then we need it displayed, the should be secondary is a good migration path ... placing it in primary at the user's discretion would be good too <tlr> all issues from the draft are now in tracker; will edit them out of the document phb: in the firefox extension, the logotype shows up in the dockable toolbar yngve: adding to phb about cellphones -- opera device customers are very conscious about what the real estate is used for and want minimum space taken from the pages phb: but because of the form factor on a cell phone, phishing is extremely tough ... most folks won't enter a lot of data mikem: so the x.509 standards are defined for logotypes, i'd rather take a logotype over a favicon anyday johnath: there isn't any higher validation for logotypes mikem: we should give a comment to the cab forum about the process for logotype acceptance, shouldn't be too similar phb: i raised the issue of logotypes at the cab forum, i think logotypes should be in an ev cert, it's not true to say there aren't any rules, the second question is should the can forum call out the logotype piece and say -- you have to treat the subject logo with the same diligence as the subject name ... if you add that criteria, and you have a complete set of requirements hal: phb raised the issue of whether users should be able to reconfigure their primary chrome ... i'll raise it as an issue ifette: i'm wondering if we're restricting users from changing their chrome phb: i just want to point out that when this was raised earlier we need a way for users to get back to the shipped config mez: so on issue 96, i'm hearing we have agreement on about should for secondary, may for primary mikem: i reluctantly agreed for mobile browsers mez: mikem likes should and should hal: plus 1 to should/should ifette: so screen real estate is always a constraint, i don't think we should say use x number of pixels for something that hasn't been standardized or deployed ... but that doesn't take up space in primary chrome phb: i'm very reluctant to make a proposal that goes beyond what the browser vendors are willing to take ... i don't think this will be final fixed forever, this will be revised, so when value is demonstrated, it might become standard <tlr> to create new issues, go here: [38]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/new phb: we do not have from cab forum a set of criteria for evaluating, but we do have a set of criteria for evaluating certs ... so there are constraints we have to meet, they aren't explicit, but the audit process includes them, the lack of a cab forum document isn't relevant tyler: another outcome, we might find that passive indicators, so we might not need a should or must, but another way to use the logotype ... creating a passive chrome indicator isn't the only thing we can do mez: so i hear secondary is a should, and primary is still in discussion ... let's leave it there for the FPWD mikem: would anyone vote differently if it was a logotype linked to an ev some: no ... ifette: my concern wasn't with the quality of the logotype or the ca process, i'm more concerned with the value of displaying the logotype mez: IOW, ian and tyler are in violent agreement <tlr> [39]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#signal-content tlr: i want to go back to what phb said, the current draft leaves open the should/may issue, i didn't hear anyone saying there are changes needed phb: my point about ev is that it depends on how concrete you want the spec to be ... should we allow room for other groups that offer high assurance certs mez: are we done with issue 96? ... yes ... and now issue 97 ISSUE-97 / ISSUE-102 tlr: we've covered that too mez: where are we? tlr: what is our notion of an ev or ev-like cert ... to understand 97 we need to look at issue 102 johnath: one way to approach is to say user agents already make decisions about trusting cert anchors, so we can say anything the browsers trusts just is ... do we want to draw a line in the sand about x amount of work needing to be done to verify things ... we should either point to the cab forum as an exemplar, or we should draw our own line yngve: a point about what the browser trusts, you can add roots, the question is whether or not this is something where the vendor has an additional list that is a subset of the roots that they extend some higher trust to, like EV or something similar hal: i want to raise this in a question, can the user configure their browser so they had trusted ev and non-trusted ev phb: IE7 doesn't allow the user to identify a root as an ev trust anchor ... i believe there is some extension in the trust list, says this cert can be used as ev if this is present ... the definition needs to be -- the point is it provides an assertion as to the subject of the certificate has successfully passed an audited authentication process (tlr and phb dictating new content directly into the rec draft) ifette: traditionally the decision has lied with browsers on which to trust ... rephrase -- the decision in the default config is with the browser, but the user can override the settings ... i don't see why this should be changed ... i also think the user or the enterprise configuring the workstation should be able to change these ... we shouldn't take away this user ability mikem: are we talking about logotypes? ifette: i'm talking about certs in general tlr: the definition shows there are levels of certs and there are assumptions about the data in the certs, phb has put in the clause that users must not be able to change the settings are part of a different interaction -- don't ask them to make this decision or change their settings within an idiot box hal: i agree with ian in principle, which the current standard doesn't match ... it seems there are restrictions on how the user can express their trust policy phb: we seem to have agreement that it's bad if the interface that leads you to a selection box is a webpage (content provider) ... there are certainly use cases where you want to trust roots determined by someone else ... must not have content directed user changes to settings ... but there should be the ability for someone to intentionally go in and alter the settings <ifette> +1 phb phb: there should be two separate specs for this getting better text from phb real time edit taking place to text mikem: i think we're conflating two things here, there are users importing roots, then there are users changing the categories of their roots users importing roots is an attack vector today, but we have to allow it scribe: allowing the user to change the category of a non-ev to ev ... is no ok tlr: +1 to phb about requesting this part, right now the root has a dual purpose, a trust anchor and a middle xv that might come with a policy, and within the issued cert you might have an additional requirement for an ev root ... the other side to this, because the policy is vendor specific, to make a root ev enabled you have to say the root is qualified and you have to identify the policy OID ifette: specifying a new policy OID that you use should be possible johnath: we have the same thing were people want to add their own trust certs, and they may want to extend the trust, so it shouldn't be totally forbidden hal: one, based on history, finding the right OID will be easier for an attacked than the user, but the other thing, we can't lose the requirement to be able to import a root ... as long as there's a way to say i trust this root but not to issue evs <Zakim> Mez, you wanted to say that reusing the term ev is probably keeping us from seriously considering ian's point mez: one thing i'm hearing between ian and mikem, ian and others are treating the ev notion as a different level of trust abstraction, while mike and some other are treating them as something very specific with intentions and definitions, i think for us to seriously consider this issue, we need to use terms that don't have other pre-existing definitions ... if we want to separate from the cab definition let's not call them EV phb: let's not call them high assurance either tlr: right now the text is set up so we can change to text easily once we decide mez: i think we're talking about certs that the user has deemed more trustworthy than other roots tlr: the distinction is that you can derive useful information from the cert and it's useful when seen by the user instead of relying on some other info that's being placed there by a low assurance ca mez: that's not what i'm hearing from ian ... i hear the display is enough to convince the user ... the actual detailed info might not be important tlr: anyway, what we need is something to put instead of EV phb: augmented assurance <tlr> ACTION: tlr to change EV to "augmented assurance" in editor's draft [recorded in [40]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-313 - Change EV to \"augmented assurance\" in editor's draft [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. mez: how are we doing with our notion of AA certs ifette: at the end of the day i want the user to be able to configure all the states for certs mikem: what you don't want is a dialog that says 'you don't currently trust this as EV, do you want to?' ... but you want there to be a different path to change this? ifette: yes hal: i don't the option to exist where the administrator can say they're AA certs when they aren't ... and not even the CA calls them this ... if the cert didn't go through the right process, it shouldn't be considered a AA <ifette> ifette: I would be happy with the end user designating a root certificate as being capable of issuing "AA" certificates, if CA identified by that root certificate identifies a paritcular certificate as being AA <ifette> ifette: provided that it's not a part of some tangental workflow etc, i.e. it should be hard to get to, designated ui, etc mez: so, issue 102? mikem: we're trying to decide if the cert had to be AA in order to display a logotype, right? mez: are we good on issue 102? johnath: we made it more generic, im not sure we got anywhere tlr: i think we're losing that this property is a property of the cert and we're using a certain policy oid that is cert specific and recognized by the browser johnath: implementation detail ... doing it this way with ca specific policy oid ifette: as long as we have language that a CA has the power to say a cert is AA or not phb: i would like to drop the dependency on OID yngve: about section 4.3.1, i suggest it is changed to 'recognized by the client or user agent as AA qualified' without mentioning a specific mechanism tlr: i hear, throw out the part about validiation? more changes to rec doc yay for lunchtime :) mikem: wait, did we resolve issue 97 after lunch. <ifette> As a formal note in writing: <ifette> I will be leaving meeting early to catch a flight... if any issues come up re: favicon <ifette> I give my proxy vote to johnath <ifette> mez: [41]http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/policies#Votes mez: issue 97 ISSUE-97 <Mez> [42]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/97 johnath: proposes ... tlr: refers to 5.1.2 <tlr> [43]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#signal-content tlr: reading referred text ... regarding logotype mez: discussion MAY or SHOULD tyler: asking logos and certs for any other purposes johnath: this is only a change to identity signal content hal: logotype is better than favicon <Mez> the chair acknowledges the proxy from the gentleman from Google tyler: no restrictions mez: yes, no restrictions ... editor closes the issue ISSUE-98 <Mez> [44]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/98 <tlr> Agreement in the room that current spec text does not preclude use of logotypes (or even non-AA logotypes) outside the context of the page info summary. mez: next issue 98 ... The PKIX logotype extension describes issuer, community, and subject logotypes. Assuming that web user agents display some kind of logotype, which one should be picked, and when? ... this issue came in the context of 5.1.2 ... shall it be in a broader scope? <Mez> [45]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#signal-content mez: secondary chrome ifette: a cert viewer should show all the contents ... of the cert <tlr> ISSUE-97 is closed hal: today nothing is displayed as a graphic ifette: where is it going to be used? ... a page totally devoted to showing everything ... if it's a different page, the no idea hal: cert may contain 0,1,2,3 of these logotypes phb: important to have consistency .. the subject logo is more specific ... you can have multiple community logos mez: more writing needed to encapsulate details? hal: other opinions on logotypes? mez: not part of this issue phb: you can have multiple logos in different resolutinos mez: secondary chrome ... ... no proposals for tracking logotypes and favicons johnath: we are in issue 98 tlr: identity signal in 1:ary or 2:ary chrome ... <luis_> mez: need to tweak the text before discussing further hal: favicon is a ???ed logotype johnath: logotype provide richer context hal: logotype comes from CA and favicon comes from web server mez: move on? mez - pls. write the agreement <tlr> ACTION: tlr to add language to 5.2, SHOULD list, to show any/all logotypes available from AA certs [recorded in [46]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-314 - to add language to 5.2, SHOULD list, to show any/all logotypes available from AA certs [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. <Mez> [47]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/99 ISSUE-99 mez: When the identity signal includes information from X.509 certificates, what fields need to go into the identity signal? johnath: all CA fill the CA part quite well ... what to do with extra information ... people can pull needed information from the cert tlr: is CA practices harmonized so we can rely on them? ... is there a need to define which information is needed for the various use cases? ... should that be unspecified johnath: we don't display Subject Org, but we display domain <ifette> ifette: bye all, time to head to airport tlr: Firefox has a non normative proposal yngve: putting a lot of information in secondary chrome ...waiting for EV to be active ... similar to Firefox ... in the primary chrome the org name available in the cert tlr: both FF and Opera trust the CA for the org name ... summarizes which fields can be extracted ... CN, ON phb: the issues logo is already there tlr: to take an action <tlr> ACTION: tlr to add language to 5.1.2 to display info as follows:if not AA, then domain name info from CN or subjectAltName; if AA, then Organization attribute from subject; always: organization attribute from issuer; close ISSUE-99 [recorded in [48]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-316 - Add language to 5.1.2 to display info as follows:if not AA, then domain name info from CN or subjectAltName; if AA, then Organization attribute from subject; always: organization attribute from issuer; close ISSUE-99 [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. <Mez> [49]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/103 mez: next issue 103 ISSUE-103 mez: Assuming that self-signed certificates are treated as pure containers, what should the treatment be for unknown CAs? tlr: summarizing the issue ... tyler: how does this affect the key management part phb - pls. summarize your comment. I lost WLAN tyler: i want to ensure that i'm talking to the same entity i was talking to tlr: related to PII bar where you establish a relationship with an entity that has some secret tyler: in my case i'm binding a secret to a key ... while in the other case it's a binding key-hostname ... add text regarding the probation time tlr: how does PII bar relates to TLS errors? ... or should that be limited to data entry ceremonies ... leave it as an open item in the draft. There is some inconsistency tyler: there is some inconsistencies to solve in the FPWD johnath: to create an action ... is there a fundamental difference? tyler: "only legitimate sites use expired certs" johnath: raising the same question again. Is there a fundamental difference? <johnath> ACTION: tlr to note the open discussion about how PII notions of cert-handling fold into the rest of the document, particularly around self-signed certs and KCM [recorded in [50]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-317 - Note the open discussion about how PII notions of cert-handling fold into the rest of the document, particularly around self-signed certs and KCM [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. luis: some CA in desktop browsers are not found in phones tlr: it's a different use case. tyler: any setup that we can make for desktops would not fit cell phones tlr: needed some material that some validation is needed johnath: concur hal: the user should always be able to find out more in 2:ary chrome tyler: In Dublin we discussed that some cases no warning is needed for some SSC use cases tlr: is there a user interaction that fullfill both requirements? ... the current dialog is not useful at all ... we don't know yet how to solve this ... there is ... providing an example with redirection with URL and secret to site ... yngve: ... doesn't agree (quite detailed discussion on methods and artifacts) (for handling sessions) tlr: what's the data source? <Mike> leaving soon for my 5pm flight also <Mez> tx Mike tlr: starting from a given security level ... there will be a TAG session ... is that an open session? ... there is a TAG session on passwords in the clear ... issue is URL containing passwords ... summarizing ... <Audian> ol <Audian> ola tlr: use additional information to deduce CA validity, e.g. OCSP phb: revoking the cert doesn't necessarily revoke the key tyler: gaves example with a compromised site ... where key needs to be revoked yngve: OCSP has a "key compromise" field tyler: an attacker issues a SSC with a compromised key ... whoever has a previous SA with that key would trust the SSC tlr: attacker can attempt to get a new cert from another CA (?) ... why do you (Verisign) revoke a cert with a wrong name? phb: many reasons yngve: you are paying for one cert mez: break <Mike> ciao mez: break until 3 p.m ISSUE-104 <Mez> [51]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/104 It feels like we need a sentence or two somewhere that says that the content of certificates may not be trusted, and that untrusted and trusted certificate content MUST NOT be mixed when displayed to users. Some of that is in the last sentence of 4.3.7 [1], but I don't think it's even near enough. tlr: the UA should know what is trusted mez: are we talking about certs at various levels of trust? <Zakim> johnath, you wanted to disambiguate johnath: do users need to be informed about some certs being more trusted than others tyler: when u create a bookmark, the name of the bookmarkmay be chosen by the attack via the HTML TITLE element jonhnath: a new section is needed unser section 7 tlr: proposal for language in section 7 johnath: to give an action <johnath> ACTION: tlr to draft a new subsection to section 7 discussing the mixing of trusted/untrusted information in the UI [recorded in [52]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-318 - Draft a new subsection to section 7 discussing the mixing of trusted/untrusted information in the UI [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. <Mez> [53]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/105 ISSUE-105 scribe: Whether or not the client keeps state that can be played back to the Web site is probably relevant security context information. Talking about cookie state display might be useful. tyler: the user shouldn't get the impression he is being tracked mez: any text saying displaying this info? <Mez> [54]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#pageinfosummary mez: nothing about cookies ... don't see compelling reason to address this issue tyler: for a user is good to know if a site is storing persistent information ... the UI should notify about making (wrong) dangerous assumptions ... something that can be tested ... e.g. as Mozilla does today ... any studies? maritzaj: Serge should know yngve: it is possible to see what information is sent to the web site ... there is a cookie panel to provide preferences for sites tlr: adding some text to section 5 on cookies hal: objecting to enumerated cases ... being more specific <tlr> ACTION: tlr to add text in section 5 to note that "no cookies => no tracking" doesn't hold, re ISSUE-105 [recorded in [55]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-319 - Add text in section 5 to note that \"no cookies => no tracking\" doesn't hold, re ISSUE-105 [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. ISSUE-106 <Mez> [56]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/106 "If we are react to certs that don't match a URL then we need a well defined matching rule" mez: do not discuss since Steve is not here tyler: hasn't that been defined by someone else? yngve: there is an RFC on how to match ... RFC 2818 (?) ... hal: section 3.1. specifies that ... what's the issue? mez: that's why we need Steven ISSUE-107 <Mez> [57]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/107 "Per ACTION-289, I've updated the editor's draft to call out explicitly that we do not consider it a "change of security level" if a form on an HTTPS site is submitted by plain HTTP." tyler: what does it mean "change of security level"? yngve: concern about passwords not protected tlr: isn't this an authoring practice? tyler: doesn't meet our goal of helping users to make trust decisions mez: if sites want to be more trustworthy they have to follow this johnath: all current browsers already warn about this yngve: there are POST case submissions from HTTP to HTTPS ... sent from applets. Opera generates errors ... other browsers give forms warnings ... serious sites should not provoke security warning/errors mez: >> best practices <Mez> for authors yngve: best approach today. Later let UA handle that. ... two-phase approach johnath: go to https:/www.verisign.com ... somehow a POST message generates a warning ... it's very hard to warn more precisely ... it's worse not to warn at all yngve: secure flashapplet was used to submit unsecure POST ... no browser warned, except Opera ... it was a missconfiguration of the site ... other cases where by accident mixing HTTPS with HTTP tlr: is there space for authoring practice? ... also, browser making a warning? and, finally, error h...andling maritzaj: related to the SSL upcoming study ... if any messages are relevant to the user johnath: shouldn't be warning all the time when it's benign yngve: is there a backup to authoring guidelines mez: the tools tlr: the UA adapting to the user mode maritzaj: feed to Tim on the profiles Browser lockdown? johnath: the Firefox web development kit is useful to validate many things ... could be integrated into tools ISSUE-108 <Mez> [58]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/108 <tlr> ACTION: tlr to add authoring BP re HTTPS -> HTTP submits (issue-107) [recorded in [59]http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-320 - Add authoring BP re HTTPS -> HTTP submits (issue-107) [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-10-10]. <scribe> ... ongoing study with thousands of users on SSL warnings unknown was available on-line PDF, but no longer ... 30% were confused. 1/3 - thought misconfiguration .... ... others thought were under attack <johnath> [60]http://venafi.com/web_form_encryptionstudy.html ... they had a convincing study to sell professional services for managing certs ... (lost connection....) "Actual implementation work currently assumes that favicons remain in primary chrome, and might (e.g. for firefox) be used as the widget that users interact with to raise an identity signal. The spec currently says that favicons are a positively bad idea. This sounds like we might have new information to consider on this point, or at least need to understand the reasons for the divergence" tlr: there is some information leaking to the web site about the mental model of the user (sound like exformation) johnath: on issue 110, being specific is OK. Generalizing is a problem. yngve: looks like we need use cases mez: suggest to end this part of the agenda ... wrapping the meeting Last Call of wsc-usecases tlr: anything standing for the last call? mez: recaping on use cases that tyler has to work on tlr: refers to email posted by mez <tlr> [61]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0012.html yngve: ... at 7.23 local time mez: last call for use cases is left for mechanics tlr: showing process for last call ... review period should last at least 3 weeks ... could be longer ... if technically complex or significant external dependencies ... on PII bar. There are many privacy surrounding issues ... ... since personal identfiable data is being handled ... rather than using PII bar, better use personal data entry mez: towards FPWD ... recap on various APs ... meeting over [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________________ Minutes formatted by David Booth's [62]scribe.perl version 1.128 ([63]CVS log) $Date: 2007/10/25 09:32:04 $ References 1. http://www.w3.org/ 2. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 3. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0000.html 4. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#agenda 5. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#item01 6. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#Page 7. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#item02 8. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#item03 9. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#item04 10. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#Review 11. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-96 12. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-97 13. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#item05 14. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-98 15. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#item06 16. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-103 17. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-104 18. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-105 19. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-106 20. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-107 21. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#ISSUE-108 22. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/10/03-wsc-minutes.html#Last 23. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/83 24. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0012.html 25. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Sep/0009.html 26. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0011.html 27. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/actions/307 28. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0013.html 29. http://www.bartleby.com/165/1.html 30. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#Overview 31. http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/process.html#first-wd 32. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0014.html 33. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 34. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/products/4 35. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/products/4 36. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html 37. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/products/4 38. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/new 39. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#signal-content 40. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 41. http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/policies#Votes 42. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/97 43. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#signal-content 44. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/98 45. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#signal-content 46. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 47. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/99 48. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 49. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/103 50. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 51. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/104 52. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 53. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/105 54. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/rec/rewrite.html#pageinfosummary 55. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 56. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/106 57. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/107 58. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/track/issues/108 59. http://www.w3.org/2007/10/03-wsc-irc 60. http://venafi.com/web_form_encryptionstudy.html 61. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Oct/0012.html 62. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm 63. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/ -- Thomas Roessler, W3C <tlr@w3.org>
Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 09:35:20 UTC