Meeting record: 2007-11-14

Minutes from our meeting on 2007-11-14 were approved and are
available online here:

A text version is included below the .signature.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>


               Web Security Context Working Group Teleconference
                                  14 Nov 2007

   See also: [2]IRC log


          Mary Ellen Zurko, Rachna Dhamija, Thomas Roessler, Ian Fette,
          Jan Vidar Krey, Johnathan Nightingale, Tim Hahn, Bill Doyle,
          Luis Barriga, Tyler Close, Yngve Pettersen, Anil Saldhana, Hal
          Lockhart, Philip Hallam-Baker, Serge Egelman, Dan Schutzer, Mike





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Newly completed actions
         2. [5]agenda bashing
         3. [6]Process for addressing comments
         4. [7]ISSUE-117 - Evaluating proposals
     * [8]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot-ng> Date: 14 November 2007

   <tlr> ScribeNick: johnath

   Mez: next item on the agenda, approving minutes from 10-31
   ... not hearing any problems with that
   ... minutes approved

Newly completed actions

   Mez: next item is newly completed action items
   ... haven't reviewed these for several weeks
   ... reminder to folks that I set aside time for this work Friday
   ... if it isn't ready to close at that point, they won't get caught
   till next week
   ... large number of items this week, thank you for that

agenda bashing

   Mez: we really have to nail down the comment response and tracking
   ... doesn't seem to be getting resolved via email, so I'd like to set
   aside time here
   ... particularly now that we have a rec-track document
   ... and after that, Issue-117
   ... I think we've had some good discussion on the list, though not all
   explicitly associated with that issue
   ... any comments on agenda?
   ... let's move on to Agenda Item 7

Process for addressing comments

   Mez: I am going to take notes on this section as well

   Mez: bill and thomas have been discussing tools and what I want to do
   here is a blow-by-blow treatment of comment processing and disposition

   <Mez> 1) somebody says something in our public comment list, directed
   at wsc-xit (or wsc-usecase)

   Mez: let's mostly focus on wsc-xit here

   <Mez> 2) somebody in the wg, and it's been Bill lately, takes that, and
   turns it into ISSUES in tracker

   Mez: is step 2 right here?
   ... specifically asking Bill and Thomas, here

   tlr: the sequence I would suggest is first adding the comment to the
   last call comment tracker for that document

   <Mez> 1.5) add a comment to the last call tracker for "that document"

   <tlr> [9]

   Mez: I don't understand what that is and how it gets done


   Mez: I see in that URL that there is a document pointer for each of our

   tlr: follow the comments url
   ... From here you can add a new comment, copy paste the url of the
   message, leave basically everything empty
   ... click on "import the whole message text"
   ... I wonder if Bill would like to walk through the process right now
   with a demo comment?

   Mez: without a shared conference, we can't really watch him do that
   ... I'm not sure I want to slow things down that much
   ... if we get enough comments, making bill the bottleneck will start to
   be a bad idea
   ... I appreciate bill's volunteering, but if we get substantial comment
   traffic, it will be too much bottleneck, and I'll start assigning them
   to other members in good standing

   tlr: I will fill out the test comment

   bill-d: to which document?

   <Mez> wsc-xit

   tlr: Adding a test comment to wsc-xit


   tlr: the effect that you will see is that there will be a link in the
   comments tracker to "View comments" in wsc-xit

   Mez: I don't see the comment

   tlr: I see it - it might be stuck in some proxy
   ... at any rate, a comment will appear (LC-1915, in this case) which
   contains the content of the comment, and other metadata

   <Mez> tlr, put in the url where yousee the comment. tx

   tlr: the next step is a manual one to open an issue in our issue
   tracker so that we can deal with it

   Mez: my experience is that a single comment could generate multiple

   tlr: that could be

   Mez: so to be clear, a single comment can be broken up into multiple

   tlr: another approach would be to break up a message into multiple

   bill-d: does the related issues field help here?

   tlr: no - that field is useless for linking to tracker

   Mez: so in deciding whether we put the message in intact as a comment
   and split up issues, or splitting the message into comments that map
   1:1 with issues is whether one or the easier makes it easier

   tlr: I suspect that we will find it easier to add multiple comments
   from a message, to 1:1 map to issues
   ... however, I would like to briefly check if that will cause problems
   with the comment tracker -- it seems not to
   ... so I recommend splitting the message up into multiple comments

   <Mez> 1.5) break the comment into logical issues, putting each in as a
   new comment against wsc-xit

   <Mez> 2) link each to an ISSUE in tracker

   Mez: if I remember correctly, the point of this process is that the
   comment tracker is public

   <Mez> 3) same somebody tells the comment person what their ISSUEs are
   so they can watch the resolution unfold, as we all do

   <ifette> I am loving the fact that the process is being typed into IRC,
   can I assume that it will be cleaned up and put into a wiki how-to?

   <Mez> yes

   <ifette> :-)

   <Mez> I don't trust wikis to type this stuff in; they go down

   <Mez> need a copy here

   bill-d: there was some discussion about the combination of lc-tracker
   and tracker, about there being a way to do this in one step
   ... is the reason for doing both that tracker is public?


   <Mez> sweet

   tlr: no - tracker is public and associated with the working group, but
   one of the advantages to LC-tracker is that it allows generation of
   annotated documents with comments

   Mez: my question about that splendiferous URL is how things get placed
   within this annotation?
   ... is there something in comments that puts them at specific points?

   <Mez> good catch ian

   tlr: there is a section that lets you choose a section to associate
   comments with


   Mez: I still am not seeing the comment

   tlr: I see it on that URL

   Mez: I don't

   yngve: the comment seems to be on the usecases

   tlr: good catch - I made a mistake when entering it


   Mez: people will obviously need to make a call on the comment "type"
   unless we want them all the be marked "substantive"
   ... is there anything about type that matters downstream?

   tlr: nothing occurs to me immediately
   ... we will obviously want to spend more time on substantive comments
   than editorial ones

   <tlr> that sounds like 140% comments were received. Scary.

   Mez: if we should expect any metrics being applied later about types of
   comment, it would be good to know now

   tlr: if anything comes up, I'll let you know, nothing that I know of

   Mez: and where, again, is the ability to specify where it goes in the

   tlr: "Section of the document concerned"
   ... might be under "view individual comment" - yep

   <Mez> 4) issues get resolved, as they have been in the past, in the wg

   <Mez> 4.1) gets recorded in the ISSUE in tracker

   <Mez> 4.2) gets recorded in lc tracker as well

   Mez: do we get reports out of lc tracker?

   tlr: yes

   Mez: how do we do that?
   ... that wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be.

   (mez - did you want me to give you the action? )

   <scribe> ACTION: mez to write up "comment disposition process" in wiki
   [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-342 - Write up \"comment disposition
   process\" in wiki [on Mary Ellen Zurko - due 2007-11-21].

ISSUE-117 - Evaluating proposals

   <Mez> [16]

   Mez: looking around for related conversation in other threads

   serge: there's been discussion on this related to specific proposals
   ... but it would be nice to come up with some set of steps that all
   proposals go through
   ... I would offer that for a recommendation to be made, we should look
   through the shared bookmarks at the very least, and the author of each
   rec should have to justify why the current literature shows that this
   solution may be effective
   ... or make the claim that no current literature examines the
   underlying approach in their proposal
   ... after that, if the current literature doesn't address the topic,
   then it should be subjected to user testing
   ... and only after that should we consider making the recommendation

   PHB2: I would be happy to accept a modified form of that, in that I'm
   not that much of a fan of the academic literature
   ... I think that we are only just starting with usability testing, that
   we don't know how to test this stuff yet
   ... at this point, I really would not say that the body of literature
   we have is useful
   ... I don't think we've got good analysis here on any of the work to
   remedy existing attacks

   serge: can we have some examples about current literature that isn't

   Mez: going back to serge's proposal, I see two process problems. One is
   the notion of assigning authors to recommendations. I don't think that
   aligns with the standards/wg process
   ... at this point, there are a number of things scattered, there's a
   bunch of normative text in different sections, I'm not sure we'd get
   coverage, tracing them back to original authors
   ... I think that grouping them conceptually, tracking those with
   issues, might do a better job of coverage
   ... second issue is that generically pointing to "shared bookmarks" is
   untenable, since it's a very long list, not realistic to expect
   everyone to have to have read all of it, and some of it is genuinely
   ... just like we don't expect everyone to be accessibility experts,
   that's why we have experts

   serge: I agree with most of what Mez is saying about tracing back to
   authors, but am more interested in the general process of evaluating
   ... I understand that not everyone can read the literature, but if
   someone points to literature as a reason to reject a proposal, it
   should be considered, not dismissed as "I'm not familiar with the
   literature, that's not my job"

   PHB2: I didn't make a platitude, I made an assertion - I disputed the
   value of the academic literature
   ... I do not recognize academic literature as representing empirical
   evidence in this field - it can exhibit conflicts of interest or
   otherwise not represent objective reporting of real data
   ... I am really not aware of many studies in the field that are
   genuinely empirical

   <serge> So because of the concern for conflicts of interest in academic
   studies, we should just take VeriSign's assertions about the value of
   EV certificates at face value!

   PHB2: rachna's paper on sitekey for example, was interesting, but
   concluding that sitekey was useless overreaches
   ... I don't think you're going to find a statement out there that any
   of our proposals will work or not work
   ... I'm quite happy to accept empirical evidence, but the process
   statement should be phrased in those terms, not in terms of the
   academic literature

   serge: phil, you seem to be conflating perceived security with actual
   ... I agree that a site with sitekey instills trust in users, but that
   is different than real security - we should only be recommending
   improvements to real security

   <serge> We've seen those attacks in the wild!

   PHB2: I'm not conflating the two. The attacks that study examined are
   mitigated by some technologies. It is known that sitekey is vulnerable
   to certain attacks, and you don't expect otherwise, but there are
   mitigation techniques in place.

   <serge> What is the mitigation technique for the attacks that were

   PHB2: I would take that particular study and present it to my customers
   as evidence for or against particular competing technologies, but I
   wouldn't take it as conclusive that a technology is a failure

   <ifette> +1 phb

   <serge> If you're not going to provide real evidence for your claims,
   this argument is futile

   Mez: in terms of the notion that specific authors must respond on
   behalf of certain recommendations is out of date
   ... what we have now is a document with normative pieces. What I
   propose instead is to focus on logical units
   ... the structure of those discussions would be the same as other issue
   discussions - people can argue pro/con, make tweaks, straw poll changes
   ... towards the end of this discussion, I'd love it if we could find an
   exemplar item to apply this process to

   ifette: want to go back to something johnathan said back in Austin. We
   are designing a recommendation to present security context, not a
   recommendation to stop phishing. I think we risk getting narrow minded
   and focusing on attacks, on phishing attacks.
   ... I think that if something doesn't solve phishing, that's not a gate
   to it being a recommendation

   <PHB2> The sitekey authentication system tracks the IP address of
   contact requests, they have a feedback loop that detects suspicious
   patterns of multiple access attempts from the same IP address. This
   restricts the volume of attacks that a perp can make from a botnet

   ifette: especially now that most phishing groups are seeing phishing
   declining in favour of malware and other attacks

   <PHB2> Its not a perfect defense but it does help the bank to displace
   the attacks to other targets

   serge: I just wanted to say that this issue was driven off my original
   point, that I hope we can agree that we shouldn't recommend things
   based purely on conjecture, there should be a mechanism for
   scrutinizing them
   ... just because someone has a great idea, doesn't mean we should
   recommend it
   ... right now all we've been talking about is "I like this idea" or "I
   don't like this idea" and volume carries the day

   Mez: that is not what we've done so far
   ... we have been deliberately inclusive for this draft, which is now up
   for review
   ... now is the time to go through them and have the discussions around
   removing/modifying them

   <tjh> sorry - have to leave for another call.

   Mez: we are using issues to track that, but I'm happy to take specific
   requests for agenda items too

   <rachna> I think that we should go through proposal by proposal and
   discuss the "empirical" evidence we have and what we need

   <PHB2> +1 rachna

   serge: I agree, now is the time to start going through them and
   deciding which ones to keep

   <PHB2> Working out how to get that information is the key

   Mez: the only modification I would make to rachna's proposal is to map
   it to parts of the rec track document, not proposals

   <tlr> +1 to mez

   Mez: one way we could do that, rachna, is to key up a specific one of
   those discussions, and see how the process works

   <PHB2> The empirical evidence we have to date is very thin, it is very
   specific and largely taken under lab conditions

   <PHB2> The bias introduced through the lab conditions is a major

   serge: I have to go, but I'm just hoping (inaudible - little help?)

   <serge> johnath: we need to map out the next steps really quickly on
   how to proceed

   thx serge

   <PHB2> Did the Harvard study demonstrate that users ignore the absence
   of sitekey indicata or did it show that they ignored the indicata in
   the lab environment where they were possibly primed for demoware?

   <rachna> Phil, if you can help provide real world empirical data from
   deployments, that would be useful

   tyler: it sounds like different members disagree about the utility of
   the existing literature
   ... I think the existing literature is valuable, and am willing to be
   guinea pig with the safe form editor aspects of the document

   <serge> I think we need to go through each recommendation, write down
   which assumptions it makes for it to succeed

   <PHB2> I think we have to work on separating out the questions and
   identifying separate tests

   <serge> and then how to test those assumptions, or whether they're
   already been tested (and the result)

   <tlr> +1 to PHB on this one

   Mez: that sounds like a great idea, despite the density of the SFE
   parts of the document

   <PHB2> Don't tell me that its impossible to get people to take notice
   of what they see on the computer screen, if that was true then there
   would be no phishing

   <PHB2> The problem is that the bad guys are better at getting the user
   to take attention than we are

   <rachna> To answer Phil, the Harvard study showed that when BOFA users
   thought that they were doing a usability study about the design of the
   BOFA website, 92% of people provided their own BOFA credentials when
   the Sitekey was removed.

   tlr: we need to be extremely careful in picking the questions we try to
   address, because our language aggregates a lot of different practices

   serge: just to repeat what I said in channel, I think the next step is
   to get through each recommendation, and define the assumptions it makes
   in order to succeed

   <PHB2> To reply to Rachna, yes, but take people into a lab and maybe a
   missing image is assumed to be due to a different cause?

   <Mez> a reminder, a "recommendation" is a piece of normative text in

   <johnath> agree with serge that it's not useful to talk about how to
   evaluate unless we know about assumptions? ... but wasn't that supposed
   to happen? ... remember usability experts going through the existing
   material at one point ... there was useful effort about assumptions ...

   <rachna> jonath, yes we did that and only a few people (like you) read

   <johnath> ... potential problems, all that ... sent mail to list, "here
   are my interpretations" ...


   <serge> yes

   <PHB2> And furthermore, the problem here with that particular attack
   seems to me to be that you can't create a 100% reliable security
   indicator in the content area! Thats not quite the same as saying
   people don't look at the indicata.

   serge: there was little discussion on the work that we did, going step
   by step through the document might be the way to get people to pay

   <PHB2> I would very much like to replicate the study and get better
   data, particularly if they proved the results of the original study :-)
   Problem is that the only way I can see doing that would be to monitor
   the success rate of a phishing attack.

   Mez: serge, if you want to actually form a proposal on process, I can
   straw poll it

   serge: I don't know how our working group guidance is built, but I do
   think we should have some kind of rules about how we evaluate our text

   Mez: I've been falling back on "people should open issues"

   <tlr> We are not in a process where "proposal" would be the right
   granularity for decisions.

   serge: right, but absent the issues that people raise, there should
   still be an evaluation process

   <rachna> Phil, the purpose of studies is not to give us perfect
   replication of real world scenarios (we can't do that). It is only to
   tell us where and why the problems exist and what useful remedies might

   tyler: I think, to move forward, we need the researchers need to start
   going through normative text and making specific recommendations for

   <serge> I really need to go

   <PHB2> +1 rachna

   <serge> can we make the appropriate action items so I can figure out
   what I need to do

   <PHB2> Thats my point, we are not doing physics here, we are not going
   to get physics type experimental results

   <tlr> PROPOSED ACTION: serge to put together for a single agenda item
   the usability evidence, map that to some set of statements in wsc-xit,
   put it into issue

   <PHB2> There is a big difference between accepting that we have
   problems with site key and concluding that 'users ignore all indicata'.

   <rachna> It is not physics, but humans are not entirely unpredictable

   <PHB2> Actually electrons are entirely unpredictable, they only become
   predictable in aggregate. Same is true for humans

   <serge> Begin examining some of the recommendations, write down the
   underlying assumptions for success, then list any prior studies that
   have already examined those assumptions, and possibly how to test the
   untested assumptions

   PHB2: there are some things that we can agree on - "Do no harm" is a
   first criteria

   <scribe> ACTION: serge to Begin examining some of the recommendations,
   write down the underlying assumptions for success, then list any prior
   studies that have already examined those assumptions, and possibly how
   to test the untested assumptions [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-343 - Begin examining some of the
   recommendations, write down the underlying assumptions for success,
   then list any prior studies that have already examined those
   assumptions, and possibly how to test the untested assumptions [on
   Serge Egelman - due 2007-11-21].

   <serge> I don't plan on doing all of them, just a sample, since I'd
   hope that others would help.

   <serge> there's no way that's getting done in a week. :)

   <tlr> serge, what's a realistic due date?

   <Mez> right, please reset the due date to something you'll make serge

   <serge> anyway, I need to go, I might stay on IRC from my other

   <serge> maybe 1 month

   PHB2: another proposed criteria is whether users always deactivate it

   <Zakim> Thomas, you wanted to make philosophical bad cop point

   PHB2: if we could predict how people interact to this stuff, we
   wouldn't have the problems we do with lab research

   <PHB2> ;-)

   <PHB2> There is more than one set of success criteria, security is not
   the only one

   tlr: as we go into this discussion, we will have to have a very close
   look at whether the success criteria that the studies come up with are
   ones the group can agree on

   <PHB2> I want to reduce crime, but my employer's interests and my
   cusotmer's interests and the browser providers interests are all subtly

   Mez: I think it would be a bad use of our time for usability studies to
   have one set of success criteria when the group reaches consensus on
   other criteria

   tyler: I think phil mentioned a couple things that we can move forward
   on. Introducing new vulnerabilities, being so annoying that users
   disable it, those are good things to use in evaluation

   PHB2: we have to consider what level of user interference is necessary
   to incorporate security into people's browsing habits
   ... we need to be a little careful here about making hard and fast
   statements about what's acceptable to the end user

   <Zakim> Thomas, you wanted to talk about attack vectors

   PHB2: clearly if it's absolutely untenable, browser vendors won't
   implement it, but I don't think we can make assumptions about knowing
   how to make security usable at this stage

   <PHB2> +1 tlr, its a balance of risk issue

   tlr: I hear tyler say "if there is a new attack vector opened, it is
   positively harmful" - there are cases where we have to trade attack
   vectors off against each other

   <PHB2> It also depends on the controllability of the attack vectors

   tlr: particularly when the current state is more dangerous than the
   proposed state, even if the proposed state introduces a new (less
   dangerous) attack

   Mez: 5 minutes to go - tyler, if you want to continue that discussion,
   take it to the standard outlets please
   ... meeting again next week. I'm pretty close to being out of issues
   without follow-up, which is a good thing, but means we have an emptier
   agenda until we start digging through wsc-xit

   <tlr> ACTION-284: Trusted Certs

   tlr: I would suggest ACTION-284 go on the agenda


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: mez to write up "comment disposition process" in wiki
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: serge to Begin examining some of the recommendations,
   write down the underlying assumptions for success, then list any prior
   studies that have already examined those assumptions, and possibly how
   to test the untested assumptions [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [22]scribe.perl version 1.128
    ([23]CVS log)
    $Date: 2007/11/21 16:10:09 $



Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 16:13:02 UTC