Re: ACTION 260: No security indicator extension

Thanks Phill.

This needs to be merged up with What Is A Secure Page, into a single 
section that relates to SSL handling and primary (and secondary) SCI. 
Actually it also needs to be merged into the Page Info that deals with 
secondary SCI. (I'm thinking this will all be more obvious when the rec 
track doc is arranged into categories.). If you have trouble doing that, 
you should be able to get help from Yngve and Johnathan (respectively, for 
What is a secure page, and Page info). 

ACTION 260: No security indicator extension

Hallam-Baker, Phillip 
07/11/2007 05:23 PM

Sent by:

I filled in the no security inidcator template in the wiki

Received on Friday, 20 July 2007 12:21:45 UTC