RE: ISSUE-83: Scenario updates (for certain abilities and functional limitations)

> Here is a first cut. I think the best way to handle this is to modify

I'd rather not; I don't think it belongs there thematically and 
organizationally. See my alternate proposal for the Overview that I just 
sent out (or goals or scope; it seems to belong in one of those). 

> 1. The mobile example already provided should be added

+1 (or is it 1+? I feel so unhip). 

> 2. Mary's eight year old daughter has asked to use the home PC to access 
> Internet. She says all her friends can, and that she needs it for 
> for school. She gives her daughter access to the computer. Her daughter
> accesses a popular children's social network is presented with an add 
> free tickets to a movie, follows the link and finds herself in a website
> that connects her to inappropriate material and exposes her to contact 
> predators.
> Mary trusts her daughter, but is concerned that she might inadvertently 
> directed to sites with inappropriate adult content and lures from 
> She wants to be able to put the PC in a mode where when her daughter 
> it, only appropriate web sites can be accessed, others will be blocked.

I'm mildly uncomfortable with this, as I don't think it's a primary goal, 
and it's worded in a pretty strong fashion. However I'm good with having a 
scenario that is shows how one person wants to help another make the right 
trust decisions by helping them to be in a context that reduces them 
(whether it's child or elder), and this one does that. So since there's 
been no push back, I'm good with it (but if anyone wants to make it a tad 
less gut wrenching, I'd support that). 

Received on Friday, 20 July 2007 12:06:40 UTC