PadlockIconMisuse (Re: Use cases in Note)

On 2007-01-18 19:03:28 -0600, Close, Tyler J. wrote:


> There's a lot of content here, but I'm not sure what we can do with it
> in the Note, due to the restrictions on our use of trademarks.

You may be reading a too strong statement into my earlier message.

I said I'd recommend against talking about trademarks.  That doesn't
equal "we can't use them at all."  Ultimately, if there are strong
reasons to do so, I can check with our legal folks.

Looking through this "use case" (it's more of a problem description,
and I don't think it should go into the use cases section), I
believe that it should be possible to describe the basic patterns
that we criticize, and then just say that ths has been empirically
observed with this or that business community.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Saturday, 20 January 2007 22:07:24 UTC