Re: What is a secure page?

I am at a loss. Can you provide display examples? Or a better statement of 
a guiding principle in the area (even better). 


Mary Ellen Zurko, STSM, IBM Lotus CTO Office       (t/l 333-6389)
Lotus/WPLC Security Strategy and Patent Innovation Architect

"Stuart E. Schechter" <> 
Sent by:
01/08/2007 10:34 AM

"" <>

Re: What is a secure page?

> From: Mary Ellen Zurko <>
> I propose this as a design principle -
> absent any understandable scoping indicators, users will assume that any
> and all security context information displayed applies to everything in
> the browser.

   The modern browser may contain multiple tabs.  By this logic, security
context information applies to all tabs.  Was that your intent?


   (Who as a result of this email is now wondering why my browser doesn't
put a lock icon in the tabs of secure sites.)

Received on Monday, 8 January 2007 15:43:57 UTC