Updated editor's draft: PageInfoSummary (ACTION-281)

I've uploaded a somewhat revised version of the editor's draft to
reflect last week's discussion of the PageInfoSummary part.

  @@Web Security Context@@
  Editor's Draft $Date: 2007/08/19 16:24:11 $

The section is renamed "Additioal Security Context Information",
there's some text about consistency between secondary and primary
indicators, and I've dropped in material about certificate
validation checks, and trust anchors (explaining why a certificate
is trusted).

The only text about cookies is phrased as an issue for further
thought; I don't think we've got something conclusive there, given
the broadness of mechanisms to keep state -- from Google Gears over
Flash over Javascript to cookies.  ISSUE-105.

It also feels like we need a sentence or two somewhere that says
that the content of certificates may not be trusted, and that
untrusted and trusted certificate content MUST NOT be mixed when
displayed to users.  However, I'm uninspired where that should go,
and have therefore put that question into ISSUE-104. 

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <tlr@w3.org>

Received on Sunday, 19 August 2007 16:28:58 UTC