straw poll: Is page info summary a non-Goal?

Given the tight timeline for our Working Group, I think it is crucial
that we prioritize our efforts around achieving our primary goals.
Making efficient use of our time is even more important for this WG,
given the likelihood that we may need to iterate through the
recommendation -> testing cycle.

To focus our efforts on our primary goals, I propose that we
de-emphasize work on the page info summary
<>. In
particular, I propose that this work become a Note, similar to the
Threat Trees Note, and not be included in our FPWD Recommendations.
We'll have a straw poll in our next telecon on this question.

I think the page info summary is a non-Goal, as specified by section 3.1
of our Note
Additionally, our Note states in many places that: "This Working Group
is chartered to recommend user interfaces that help users make trust
decisions on the Web." The user studies this WG has considered all show
almost non-existent use of the page info summary. In general, users
don't go digging for additional security information when engaged in a
web browsing activity. Providing more or better options for digging
won't help users make trust decisions. Such information may be of use to
expert users, but providing recommendations for the display of this
information is not the job of this WG. Considering such recommendation
proposals also requires solving difficult problems like display on
non-desktop browser user-agents, such as smart phones, widgets, etc. We
simply don't have time to address these issues in a meaningful way, and
doing so takes time away from working on our primary goals.


Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2007 17:59:55 UTC