Typo/Grammatical Errors in SAWSDL Spec

Hi Jacek,

I ran a spellcheck and found these grammatical/typo errors in the spec.  The
errors are enclosed in double quotes.
Hope this helps.


1) Section Name: Abstract


This document defines a set of extension attributes for the Web Services
Description Language [WSDL 2.0] that "allow to" describe additional
semantics of WSDL components.

This document defines a set of extension attributes for the Web Services
Description Language [WSDL 2.0] that allows description of additional
semantics of WSDL components.

2) Section 1.4

A loweringSchemaMapping is also attached to the OrderRequest element to
point to a mapping, in this case an XML document, "that" shows how the
elements within the OrderRequest can be mapped to semantic data in the

A loweringSchemaMapping is also attached to the OrderRequest element to
point to a mapping, in this case an XML document, which shows how the
elements within the OrderRequest can be mapped to semantic data in the

3) Section 2 - Annotation Mechanism

This specification does not address the annotation of service
implementations. It provides "a" reference mechanisms that can be applied to
WSDL type, interface and operation components to point to concepts defined
in semantic models.

This specification does not address the annotation of service
implementations. It provides reference mechanisms that can be applied to
WSDL type, interface and operation components to point to concepts defined
in semantic models.

4) Section 2.1 - SAWSDL Model Reference

The value of the "a" modelReference attribute is a set of zero or more URIs,
separated by whitespaces, that identify concepts in a semantic model.

The value of the  modelReference attribute is a set of zero or more URIs,
separated by whitespaces, that identify concepts in a semantic model.


It is recommended that the URI used for pointing to a semantic concept
"resolves" to a document containing its definition.

It is recommended that the URI used for pointing to a semantic concept
resolve to a document containing its definition.

5) Section 3.2

Message parts are referenced from the portType structure in WSDL 1.1 "which"
generally corresponds to the WSDL 2.0 interface structure.

Message parts are referenced from the portType structure in WSDL 1.1 that
generally corresponds to the WSDL 2.0 interface structure.

6) Section A.1

This data corresponds to the element "which" has been annotated with the
loweringSchemaMapping and can be used by some agent to invoke the purchase
order Web service.

This data corresponds to the element that has been annotated with the
loweringSchemaMapping and can be used by some agent to invoke the purchase
order Web service.

Shift to the left, shift to the right!
Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!

-Ramkumar Menon
A typical Macroprocessor

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2006 18:56:01 UTC