Re: generic element for attribute canonicalization

Hi, just wondered if this had some interest to XML Core.
The SAWSDL WG is interested in the outcome of this.

On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 02:41:51PM +0200, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> [ Glancing at the archive, I *think* non-wg members are invited to
> post to this forum. Apologies if not. ]
> In a proposal [PP] to the Web Services Description WG, I found a need
> to canonicalize only an attribute. I drafted a namespace [QX] for the
> element that would contain that attribute. My goal was that others be
> able to use the same element when they need to:
>   - canonicalize 0+ distinct attributes.
>   - canonicalize 0+ content items [CN].
> The utility of sharing this convention would simply be the familiarity
> of knowing that the element had no semantics except as a container. I
> don't expect that generic XML processors could do anything with it at
> the library level.
> Do y'all know of any other specs who would need such a thing?
> [PP]
> [QX]
> [CN]
> -- 
> -eric
> home-office: +1.617.395.1213 (usually 900-2300 CET)
> 	    +
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> (
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Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2006 16:25:22 UTC