Re: Draft minutes of telcon 2006/10/03

Jacek Kopecky wrote:
> I believe there is a Java API for WSDL 2.0 called Woden, it should be
> somewhere in Apache, and if I remember correctly, it is based (in some
> way) on WSDL4J.

we tried to use Woden for the SAWSDL extension of wsmo4j, and 
unfortunately we ended up writing our own custom WSDL 2 parsing / 
serializing code, because there were many pieces still missing from the 
Woden framework.

Also IIRC, Woden did not use WSDL4J at all, at least on the API level 
(some internal parsing code might have been reused)

Of course this was back in July, so things may have improved meanwhile



"...what you brought from your past, is of no use in your present. When
you must choose a new path, do not bring old experiences with you.
Those who strike out afresh, but who attempt to retain a little of the
old life, end up torn apart by their own memories. "

Received on Wednesday, 4 October 2006 14:57:42 UTC